Medina Electric Cooperative held its annual membership meeting Saturday, September 23. The meeting was held at Graff 7A Ranch in Hondo and livestreamed on Zoom.
Approximately 372 people attended this year’s meeting in person, representing 231 memberships. These attendees partook in a breakfast and enjoyed fellowship with old friends and new acquaintances, met with CEO Trey Grebe, visited with board members, interacted with many employees, and viewed a video covering the past year at the cooperative. Members also had the opportunity to participate in interactive booths including information about generators, Youth Tour, safety and general cooperative programs. Several lucky winners won various door prizes, many of which were donated by Medina EC’s business partners. One lucky member won the $1,000 grand prize. Members who chose to participate via zoom were eligible for separate door prizes. The meeting closed with a presentation of the co-op’s live line safety demonstration.
Election results were also announced at the meeting. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Medina EC is run by a board of directors elected by the membership. Medina EC has nine board members—three per voting district, who serve three-year terms. Each year, a seat in each voting district is available for election.
This year, all three voting districts had an uncontested election. Nominations for the board candidates were open in February at the nominating meetings for each voting district and were accepted through the petition process. No nominations or petitions were received for this year’s board of directors’ election. As a result, all incumbents who indicated in February their intent to run for their current seat on the board were certified re-elected at the April board meeting, per the bylaws.
Members interested in running for Medina EC’s board of directors in 2024 can learn more at