Board of Directors

Kenneth Weynand

Voting District 1

Annette Sorrells

Voting District 3

Larry Huesser

Vice President
Voting District 1

Joe Foley

Jimmie Raines

Larry Neal

Mickey Holzhaus

J.L. Gonzalez

R.H. Rodriguez


Medina Electric is owned by members like you! As member-owners, you can take part in the democratic process of the cooperative and vote for the board of directors.

Medina EC has three voting districts and each district is represented by three board members for that area. One seat in each district is up for election every year. Board members are elected for three-year terms.

The board is responsible for setting operating policies for the cooperative and making decisions regarding the financial health and well-being of the organization, including hiring the CEO. These policies are administered by the CEO, Trey Grebe.

2025 Board Schedule

January 21 |  February 25 | March 25 | April 22

May 27 | June 24 | July 22 | August 19

September 23 | October 21 | November 25 | December 16

Interested in Becoming a Board Member?

Medina Electric Cooperative members interested in running for the Board of Directors must be nominated through the petition process and then elected during the annual election period. Petitions open in January and are due by March 1 for the election year and the election is held in September. If you are interested in running for a Board of Director position, complete the nominee information paperwork and petition by the deadline. 

For nomination and election questions, contact us at or 1-866-632-3532 ext. 1008.