Medina EC partners with third party vendors to provide some products that you may find beneficial.
Safely connect a portable generator to your home.
$15/mo+tax, includes installation
Price subject to change at anytime.
Medina Electric Cooperative now offers members a safe and easy solution to run a portable generator with GenerLink, installed by MEC crews.
Without GenerLink, operating a generator can require installation of transfer switches and subpanels and rewiring work. Generators that aren’t connected properly can create a safety hazard for members and MEC employees who are working to restore power. The GenerLink website outlines generators that are compatible with the device.
To arrange to have a GenerLink installed at your home, call 1-866-632-3532.
Discount Filters
Don't skip important air filter changes.
Price varies on options.
Order your filters online, have them delivered to your home and receive reminders when it's time to change. Maintaining your filter can save you up to 15% on your heating and cooling costs.
Order your filters today by clicking the button below.
TESCO Surge Protection
Protect your home from electrical surges.
Price subject to change at anytime.
Help prevent voltage surges from entering your home and causing damage to appliances and electrical equipment by having a TESCO Surge Protector installed. All warranties and product support are done through TESCO, not Medina EC.