If someone in your home depends on an electrically operated health aid sign up for Medina EC's Life Support Registry.

Take these steps to prepare for possible power outages:

  • Plug electronic devices into surge protectors and consider using uninterruptible power supplies on important devices.
  • Consider investing in a portable generator to power vital equipment in the event of an extended outage. Consult with Medina EC before installing the device so you understand the requirements to connect a generator to our system, or look into leasing a GenerLink device for your generator.
  • Keep an adequate supply of prescription drugs and medical equipment on hand in case a storm prevents you from getting refills.
  • Keep a corded land line phone operating in your home, as cordless phones need power and will not work without it.
  • Report all outages quickly by calling 1-866-MEC-ELEC (632-3532).
  • Complete the Life Support Registry form.

If you or a family member are currently listed in the Medina EC Life-Support Registry and your address, phone number or life-support equipment has changed, please submit a new form with updated information.


Please note - being on Medina EC's Life Support Registry does not guarantee there will be no power interruptions. Power outages happen for many reasons that may be out of the cooperative's control.


If you believe your account meets the requirements for non-residential critical load status (Critical Load Public Safety, Critical Load Industrial, and Critical Load Natural Gas Supply) please email us.

Sign Up for the Life Support Registry

Phone Number
You must include a prescription from your physician detailing life support needs.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods, png, jpg, jpeg.
  • I will update this info whenever there is a change. It will be verified anually once you are on the list. 
  • Being placed on this list will not keep my account from being disconnected for nonpayment.
  • Being on this list does not guarantee un-interruptible electric service. Outages occur for reasons outside of the cooperative's control and are unavoidable. Members who rely on life support equipment are encouraged to obtain back-up equipment, such as a generator or battery backtip system, and to have an emergency plan, including a place to go in the event of a long power outage. 
  • In an event of an outage, I will notify Medina EC immediately. 
Sign above