Nominee Information
Medina EC members interested in running for the Board of Directors can be nominated through the petition process.
Become familiar with the processes and paperwork below and be sure you meet all qualifications outlined in Article 4: Board of Directors in the Bylaws.
Any questions about the nomination and election process can be sent to
Paperwork Required for All Nominations:
All Paperwork and Petitions Due on March 3, 2025
- Qualifications to Serve as a Director - required for all potential nominees
- Background Check Authorization - required for all potential nominees
Petitions - for nominations by petition, follow the link below and complete the petition for your voting district. It is recommended that candidates collect more than the required 30 in case some of those collected are ruled invalid. See Board of Director Nomination FAQs below for more information.
Medina Electric Cooperative Online Petition
Once you have turned in your petition and paperwork, the Certification Committee will review it to ensure you meet qualifications. If you do, you will be considered a Certified Nominee. Staff will contact you following the April meeting to inform you if you have been certified or not. At that time, you can begin to campaign to Medina EC's members.
If you spend any money on your campaign (ex: print flyers, do paid ads on social media or the newspaper, etc.) you will need to complete the Candidate Campaign Disclosure Report below. This must be done before your campaigning is seen by members. All Campaign Disclosure Reports will be available to the public during the election process.
Paperwork Required for Certified Nominees
Individuals will be notified when they have or have not been certified by the Certification Committee. If applicable, they will be told their position on the election ballot at that time.
- Candidate Campaign Disclosure Report - Deadline: Must be complete and received by the cooperative before campaign spending becomes evident to membership
Board of Director Nomination FAQs
During their March meeting, following the 2023 director nominating meetings held in February, Medina Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors made the decision to move the director nomination process to petition only in 2024. This means that there will be no nominating meetings to nominate potential board candidates.
This decision was made after multiple years of nominating meetings with low attendance and not making the required quorum of 15 memberships.
In accordance with Medina EC’s bylaws section 4.4, members wishing to run for the board of directors through petition need at least 30 valid signatures of nominating members who have service in the voting district the potential nominee wishes to represent.
For example, members wishing to be nominated for a voting district 1 board position will need signatures for members who have electric service in voting district 1. It is recommended that candidates collect more than the required 30 in case some of those collected are ruled invalid.
A few examples would include:
- The mailing address does not match exactly what is on the member's bill.
- A husband and wife on a joint account who both sign the petition would only count as one signature, because they only represent one membership, making the second signature invalid.
- If a husband or wife is not listed on a single account and they sign, their signature would not count.
- If a person who signs for a business or estate account that is not listed as a voter designee, owner or trustee on the account would be invalid.
- A member in voting district 1 signing a petition for a member running for a seat in voting district 2 would also be considered invalid.
Voting District 1:
- Medina County
Voting District 2:
- Atascosa County
- Edwards County
- Frio County
- Kinney County
- Real County
- Uvalde County
- Zavala County
Voting District 3:
- Brooks County
- Dimmitt County
- Duval County
- Jim Hogg County
- La Salle County
- McMullen County
- Starr County
- Webb County
- Zapata County

Nomination & Election Guide
Profile information is published, exactly as written, in the September issue of Texas Co-op Power and with the mailed ballots as well as other election documents.
- Profile must be submitted online. Staff is not permitted to type any election material on behalf of any individual.
- Language on the profile cannot be read to or reviewed by Medina EC staff for input.
- Photo cannot have any logos anywhere in the image and cannot be a photo that an employee or a contractor by Medina EC has taken. Photo must be high quality, portrait style orientation and only the candidate can be in the photo.
- If an individual prefers the cooperative use the individual's photo that was submitted in a previous election, the request must be sent in writing.
- Email addresses cannot contain the words Medina, Medina Electric, Medina EC, MEC or anything that can be associated with Medina Electric Cooperative.
Employees are not permitted to help an individual complete any forms and/or reports.
If a candidate seeks clarification to interpret or understand any expectations, the inquiry will be forwarded on to the CEO or his designee to be addressed.
Bylaws & Policies
Our Bylaws and Governance Policies outline the nomination and election process, as well as the qualifications and standards conduct.
Section 1.1 – Usage. Within these Bylaws of Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Cooperative”) as currently or as later amended (“Bylaws”), except as otherwise provided and subject to the context requiring otherwise:
- words and phrases that are not defined have their common and ordinary meaning;
- the singular use of a word includes the plural use and the plural use of a word includes the singular use;
- the masculine use of a word includes the feminine and neutral uses, the feminine use of a word includes the masculine and neutral uses, and the neutral use of a word includes the masculine and feminine uses;
- the present tense of a word includes the past and future tenses, and the future tense of a word includes the present tense;
- the words "shall" and "must" are words of obligation, with "shall" meaning "has a duty to" and "must" meaning "is required to;"
- the word "may" is a word of discretion meaning "has discretion to," "is permitted to," "is authorized to," or "is entitled to;"
- the words "may ... only" are words of limited discretion and prohibition;
- the words "shall not," "must not," and "may not" are words of prohibition, with "shall not" meaning "has a duty not to," "must not" meaning "is required not to," and "may not" meaning "has no discretion to," "is not permitted to," "is not authorized to," and "is not entitled to;"
- an exception to a word of obligation is a word of discretion and an exception to a word of discretion is a word of prohibition;
- the words "except as otherwise provided" and "subject to" are words of limitation and exception;
- the words "include," "includes," and "including" mean "include without limitation," "includes without limitation," and "including without limitation;"
- the word “or” is inclusive, with “A or B” meaning “A or B or both;” and
- the word “individual” means a “natural person” or “human being.”
Section 1.2 - Defined Terms. These Bylaws define certain words, phrases, and terms ("Defined Terms"). In general, Defined Terms are: 1) defined in a full sentence or part of a sentence; 2) capitalized, underlined, and enclosed within quotation marks when defined; 3) enclosed within parenthesis when defined in part of a sentence; and 4) capitalized when otherwise used in these Bylaws. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws and subject to the context requiring otherwise, Defined Terms have the meaning specified in the appropriate Bylaw.
The following Defined Terms are defined in the Bylaw noted in parenthesis:
- Amended (9.2); Annual Member Meeting (3.1); Applicant (2.2); Appraisal (8.1); Articles (1.3); Assets (2.2)
- Board (2.1); Board Committee (5.7); Board Meeting (5.3); Bylaws (1.1); Bylaw Provision (9.8)
- C&E Committee (3.13); Capital Credits (7.2); Certification Committee (4.4); Close Relative (4.12); Conflict of Interest Director Qualifications (4.3); Conflict of Interest Transaction (5.8); Consolidate (8.2); Consolidation Agreement (8.2); Cooperative (1.1); Cooperative Equipment (2.2); Cooperative Officer (6.7); Cooperative Official (2.5); Cooperative Purpose (2.9); Cooperative Service (2.1); Cooperative Service Area (4.1); Cooperative Subsidiary (4.3)
- Defined Terms (1.2); Director (2.6); Director Districts (4.1); Director Qualifications (4.3); Director Disqualification (4.3); Director Quorum (5.6); Director Removal Petition (4.8); Director Term (4.6); Director Written Consent (5.5);
- Electing Members (4.5); Electronic Ballot (3.8); Electronic Document (9.1); Entity (2.1)
- Financial Expert (4.2)
- General Director Qualifications (4.3); Governing Documents (2.2)
- Indemnification of a Governing Person (6.13)
- Joint Members (2.6); Joint Membership (2.6)
- Law (1.3); Location (2.1)
- Mail Ballot (3.8); Member (2.3); Member Classes (2.4); Member Committee (5.7); Member Equipment (2.2); Member Meeting (3.3); Member Meeting Waiver of Notice (3.7); Member Petition (4.4); Member Petition Nominations (4.4); Member Property (2.7); Member Quorum (3.9); Member Voting Document (3.12); Membership Director Qualifications (4.3); Membership List (2.12); Membership Procedures (2.2); Merge (8.2); Merger Agreement (8.2)
- New Entity (8.2); Nominating Members (4.4); Non-Member Non-Patron (7.6); Non-Member Patron (7.6)
- Occupies (2.1); Officer (6.7)
- Patron (7.2); Person (2.1); Point of Delivery (2.7); Provided (2.1)
- Reasonable Reserves (7.7); Record Date (3.6); Regular Board Meeting (5.1); Removing Members (4.8); Required Officers (6.1)
- Special Board Meeting (5.2); Special Member Meeting (3.2); Suspension Reasons (2.10)
- Total Membership (3.2); Transfer (8.1)
- Uses (2.1)
- Written Ballot (3.10)
Section 1.3 - Law and Articles. These Bylaws are subject to applicable provisions of Law and the Articles of Incorporation of Medina Electric Cooperative ("Articles"). If, and to the extent that, a Bylaw conflicts with applicable provisions of Law or the Articles, then the Law or Articles control. "Law" includes local, state, and federal constitutions, statutes, ordinances, regulations, holdings, rulings, orders, and similar documents or actions, whether legislative, executive, or judicial.
Section 2.1 - Member Qualifications. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, an individual or Entity may become and remain a member of the Cooperative only if:
- the individual or Entity is a person with the capacity to enter legally binding contracts ("Person");
- the Person consumes, receives, purchases, or otherwise uses ("Uses"), or requests or agrees to Use a Cooperative Service;
- the person has a dwelling, structure, apparatus, or point of delivery that is located in an area in which the cooperative is authorized to provide electric energy, and
- the person uses or agrees to use a Cooperative Service at the dwelling, structure, apparatus, or point of delivery.
A "Cooperative Service" includes 1) electric energy and 2) any other good or service transmitted, distributed, sold, supplied, furnished, made available or provided by the Cooperative ("Provided") as determined by the Cooperative’s Board of Directors (“Board”).
An "Entity" includes a domestic or foreign: cooperative; business or nonprofit corporation; sole proprietorship; unincorporated association; limited liability company; partnership; trust; estate; persons having a joint or common economic interest; and local, regional, state, federal, or national government, including an agency or division of government.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a Person may not become or remain a member of the Cooperative if the Person resides at, engages in a business at, owns, controls, or otherwise occupies ("Occupies") a residence, office, building, premise, structure, facility, or other location ("Location"):
- Occupied by a second Person, other than a landlord, tenant, or similarly related Person, who:
- is a Member, other than a Joint Member; or
- owes the Cooperative for a Cooperative Service Provided to or for the Location, if the first Person Occupied the Location when the Cooperative Provided the Cooperative Service; or
- previously Occupied by an Entity owned or controlled by the Person, which Entity owes the Cooperative for a Cooperative Service Provided to or for the Location.
A Person, either individually or through an Entity not considered legally separate from the Person, may not hold more than one (1) membership in the Cooperative. Persons Occupying a Location to or for which the Cooperative Provides a Cooperative Service may not hold more than one (1) membership in the Cooperative.
Section 2.2 - Membership Procedure. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board, a qualified Person seeking to become a Member ("Applicant") must complete the procedures stated in this Bylaw to the Cooperative's satisfaction ("Membership Procedures") within a reasonable time of initially Using, or requesting or agreeing to Use, the first Cooperative Service Used or to be Used by the Applicant.
To become a Member, an Applicant must complete a membership application provided by the Cooperative in which the Applicant agrees to:
- comply with the Governing Documents;
- ensure that Member Equipment connected to Cooperative Equipment, and any act or omission involving Member Equipment connected to Cooperative Equipment, comply with the Governing Documents;
- become a Member;
- pay prices, rates, or amounts determined by the Board, and pursuant to the terms, conditions, time, and manner specified by the Cooperative, pay the Cooperative for
- Cooperative Services Provided to the Applicant or Provided to or for a Location Occupied by the Applicant;
- dues, assessments, fees, deposits, contributions, and other amounts required by the Governing Documents; and
- interest, late payment fees, and collection costs, including attorney and collection fees, related to amounts owed, but not timely paid, to the Cooperative; and
- unless opted out, receive any newsletter, magazine, or other communication that may be offered by the Cooperative.
To remain a Member of the Cooperative, a Member shall timely perform Member's obligations as provided in the Membership agreement, including the obligations in Section 2.2 items (1) through (5) above.
The "Governing Documents" are the membership application as well as any other agreements signed by an Applicant or Member and the following documents, all as currently existing or as later adopted or amended:
- the Articles;
- these Bylaws;
- the Cooperative's tariffs including service rules and regulations;
- the Cooperative's rate or price schedules; and
- all applicable rules, regulations, requirements, guidelines, procedures, policies, programs, determinations, resolutions, or other actions taken, adopted, promulgated, or approved by the Board.
"Assets" are the Cooperative's property and property rights.
"Cooperative Equipment" is a product, equipment, structure, facility, or other good owned, controlled, operated, or furnished by the Cooperative. "Member Equipment" is a product, equipment, structure, facility, or other good:
- owned, controlled, operated, or furnished by an Applicant or Member; and
- located on property owned, controlled, operated, or furnished by an Applicant or Member.
To become a Member, an Applicant must:
- give the Cooperative all personal information requested by the Cooperative, such as the Applicant's photographic identification, social security number, and/or federal tax identification number; and
- complete any additional or supplemental document, contract, or action required by the Board for the Cooperative Service which the Applicant is Using or requesting or agreeing to Use. It is the Cooperative's policy not to release, disclose, or disseminate personally identifiable, proprietary, or confidential information regarding a Member except as required by Law or otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board, an Applicant shall pay the Cooperative:
- dues, assessments, fees, deposits, contributions, and other amounts required by the Governing Documents; and
- outstanding amounts owed to the Cooperative by the Applicant.
Section 2.3 - Membership. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board, a qualified Person becomes a member of the Cooperative ("Member") and consents to being a Member upon Using, or requesting or agreeing to Use, a Cooperative Service, completing the Membership Procedure and paying any applicable membership fee. The Cooperative shall issue membership certificates to Members in a manner, method, and form determined by the Board.
The Cooperative's Bylaws are available on the Cooperative's website. Upon written request of an Applicant or Member, a copy of the Bylaws will be furnished to the Member or Applicant.
If the Board determines that a qualified Person is unwilling or unable to complete the Membership Procedure, then the Board may refuse, suspend, or terminate the Person's membership in the Cooperative. For other good cause determined by the Board, the Board may refuse a qualified Person membership in the Cooperative.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board in advance and in writing, a Cooperative membership, and a right or privilege associated with the Cooperative membership, may not be sold, purchased, assigned, disposed of, acquired, or otherwise transferred.
Section 2.4 - Member Classes. The Cooperative may create different classes of membership (“Member Classes”) in the Cooperative.
Section 2.5 - Membership Agreement. A Member shall:
- comply with the Governing Documents;
- provide and maintain a current mailing address and telephone number with the Cooperative; and
- pay the Cooperative for the Cooperative's damages, costs, or expenses, including attorney fees and legal expenses, caused by or associated with the Member's failure to comply with the Governing Documents.
If a Member fails to comply with the Governing Documents, then, the Cooperative may suspend or terminate the Member or a Cooperative Service Provided to the Member. Regardless of whether money damages are available or adequate, the Cooperative may:
- bring and maintain a legal action to enjoin the Member from violating the Governing Documents; and
- bring and maintain a legal action to order the Member to comply with the Governing Documents.
The Articles and these Bylaws are contracts between the Cooperative and a Member. By becoming a Member, the Member acknowledges that:
- every Member is a vital and integral part of the Cooperative;
- the Cooperative's successful operation depends upon each Member complying with the Governing Documents; and
- Members are united in an interdependent relationship.
If requested by the Cooperative, a Member shall:
- submit a claim or dispute between the Member and the Cooperative in which the amount at issue is greater than $50,000 to mediation according to the rules and procedures prescribed by the American Arbitration Association; and
- indemnify the Cooperative for, and hold the Cooperative harmless from, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees and legal expenses, incurred by the Cooperative, or by a Cooperative Director, Officer, employee, agent, or representative ("Cooperative Official"), and caused by the Member's negligence, gross negligence, or willful misconduct, or by the unsafe or defective condition of a Location Occupied by the Member.
In general, a Member is not liable to third parties for the Cooperative's acts, debts, liabilities, or obligations solely because of membership in the Cooperative. A Member may become liable to the Cooperative as provided in the Governing Documents or as otherwise agreed to by the Cooperative and the Member.
Section 2.6 - Joint Membership. Persons who qualify to be Members may hold a joint membership in the Cooperative ("Joint Membership"). A Joint Membership may consist only of all individuals joined in a legally recognized relationship and Occupying the same Location to or for which the Cooperative Provides or will Provide a Cooperative Service, each of whom qualifies to be a Member. Individuals joined in a legally recognized relationship may include husband and wife, parent and child, and siblings who are joint owners.
- Creating a Joint Membership. To become or remain joint members of the Cooperative, qualified Persons must jointly complete the Membership Procedures within a reasonable time of initially Using, or requesting or agreeing to Use, the first Cooperative Service Used or to be Used by the Persons. If a husband and wife complete the Membership Procedures, then the husband and wife are joint members.
Qualified Persons become joint members of the Cooperative ("Joint Members") and consent to being Joint Members in the same manner as Members become Members and consent to being Members. As provided by the Board, a Member may convert the Member's individual membership to a Joint Membership with a qualified Person. While a Joint Member, a qualified Person may become or remain a separate, non-joint Member by using a Cooperative Service at a Location different from the Joint Membership Location.
- Rights and Obligations of Joint Members. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a Joint Member has and enjoys the rights, benefits, and privileges, and is subject to the obligations, requirements, and liabilities, of being a Member. Joint Members are jointly and severally liable for complying with the Governing Documents. As used in these Bylaws, and except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a membership includes a Joint Membership and a Member includes a Joint Member. For a Joint Membership:
- notice of a meeting provided to a Joint Member constitutes notice to all Joint Members;
- waiver of notice of a meeting signed by a Joint Member constitutes waiver of notice for all Joint Members;
- the presence of a Joint Member or all Joint Members at a meeting constitutes the presence of one Member at the meeting;
- the presence of a Joint Member at a meeting waives notice of the meeting for all Joint Members;
- the presence of a Joint Member at a meeting shall not revoke a Mail Ballot previously executed by the Joint Member;
- if only one Joint Member votes on a matter, signs a petition, consent, waiver, or other document; or otherwise acts, then the vote, signature, or action binds the Joint Membership and constitutes one vote, signature, or action;
- if more than one Joint Member votes on a matter, signs a petition, consent, waiver, or other document; or otherwise acts, then the first vote, signature or action received by the Cooperative binds the Joint Membership and constitutes one (1) vote, signature or action;
- except upon the cessation of the legally recognized relationship, the suspension or termination of a Joint Member constitutes the suspension or termination of all Joint Members; and
- a Joint Member qualified to be a member of the Board ("Director") may be a Director, regardless of whether another Joint Member is qualified to be a Director, but if more than one
- Joint Member is qualified to be a Director, then only one (1) Joint Member may be a Director.
- Terminating a Joint Membership. Joint Members shall notify the Cooperative in writing of a cessation of the legally recognized relationship.
Upon determining or discovering the cessation of the legally recognized relationship:
- if one (1) Joint Member remains qualified to be a Member and continues to Use a Cooperative Service at the same Location, then the Joint Membership converts to a membership comprised of this Person;
- if more than one (1) Joint Member remains qualified to be a Joint Member and continues to Use a Cooperative Service at the same Location, then the Joint Membership converts to a membership comprised of these Persons;
- if all Joint Members remain qualified to be Joint Members and continue to Use a Cooperative Service at the same Location, then the Joint Membership converts to a membership of Persons determined by Cooperative; and
- if no Joint Member remains qualified to be a Member and continues to Use a Cooperative Service at the same Location, then the Joint Membership terminates.
Section 2.7 - Provision of Cooperative Service. A Member shall comply with any reasonable procedure required by the Cooperative regarding the Provision of a Cooperative Service. The Cooperative may establish rate classes and determine rates and charges for each rate class.
- Interruption of Cooperative Service. The Cooperative shall use reasonable diligence to Provide Cooperative Services. The Cooperative, however, does not ensure, guarantee, or warrant that it will provide adequate, continuous, or non-fluctuating electric energy or other Cooperative Service. The Cooperative is not liable for damages, costs, or expenses, including attorney fees or legal expenses, caused by the Cooperative Providing inadequate, non-continuous, or fluctuating electric energy or other Cooperative Service, except to the extent the damages, costs, or expenses are caused by the Cooperative's gross negligence or willful misconduct. The Cooperative's responsibility and liability for Providing electric energy terminates at the point the Cooperative's conductors touch the conductors of the Member ("Point of Delivery"). In case of emergency, or as requested by government or emergency officials or representatives, the Cooperative may interrupt the Provision of Cooperative Services to Member.
- Safe and Protected Operation of Cooperative. A Member shall take or omit an act as required by the Cooperative to safely, reliably, and efficiently operate the Cooperative and Provide a Cooperative Service, which act involves:
- a Location Occupied by the Member and to or for which the Cooperative Provides a Cooperative Service;
- real or personal property in which the Member possesses a legal or equitable right or interest ("Member Property");
- Cooperative Equipment; or
- Member Equipment connected to Cooperative Equipment.
A Member shall:
- protect Cooperative Equipment and Member Equipment connected to Cooperative Equipment; and
- install and maintain a protective device, and implement and follow a protective procedure, required by the Cooperative.
As necessary to safely, reliably, and efficiently operate the Cooperative and Provide a Cooperative Service, the Cooperative may temporarily suspend or terminate Provision of a Cooperative Service. A Member shall not tamper with, alter, interfere with, damage, or impair Cooperative Equipment. Except as otherwise provided by the Board, the Cooperative owns all Cooperative Equipment.
- Member Equipment Connected to Cooperative Equipment. Except as otherwise provided by the Board, before Member Equipment is connected to Cooperative Equipment, the Cooperative must approve the connection. Before and while Member Equipment is connected to Cooperative Equipment, the Member:
- shall comply with, and shall ensure that the Member Equipment, the connection, and any act or omission regarding the Member Equipment and the connection comply with, the Governing Documents, including terms, conditions, requirements, and procedures required by the Cooperative regarding the Member Equipment and the connection;
- shall ensure that the Member Equipment and the connection do not adversely impact the Cooperative's ability to safely, reliably, and efficiently operate the Cooperative or Provide a Cooperative Service;
- grants the Cooperative the right to inspect the Member Equipment and the connection to determine whether they comply with the Governing Documents; and
- grants the Cooperative the right to disconnect or temporarily operate Member Equipment that does not comply with the Governing Documents or that adversely impacts the Cooperative's ability to safely, reliably, and efficiently operate the Cooperative or Provide a Cooperative Service.
If Member Equipment is connected to Cooperative Equipment, then:
- the Member is, but the Cooperative is not, responsible for designing, installing, operating, maintaining, inspecting, repairing, replacing, and removing the Member Equipment;
- the Cooperative is not liable for damage to, or for the performance of, the Member Equipment;
- the Cooperative is not liable for damage to Member Property;
- the Member is responsible for knowing the concerns, risks, and issues associated with operating the Member Equipment and connecting the Member Equipment to Cooperative Equipment;
- the Member is liable for damage to, and for the nonperformance of, the Cooperative Equipment caused by the Member Equipment or the connection; and
- the Member is liable for, and indemnifies the Cooperative against, injury or death to any Person and damage to any property caused by, or resulting from, the Member Equipment or the connection.
- Suspension or Termination of Cooperative Service.
- Cooperative Service including delivery of electric energy may be disconnected, suspended, or terminated after proper notice for any of these reasons:
- failure to pay a bill for electric utility service or make deferred payment arrangements by the date of disconnection;
- failure to comply with the terms of a deferred payment agreement;
- violation of the Cooperative's rules on using service in a manner which interferes with the service of others or the operation of nonstandard equipment, if a reasonable attempt has been made to notify the Member and the Member is provided with a reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation;
- failure to pay a deposit that is required to establish or maintain satisfactory credit; or
- failure of the guarantor to pay the amount guaranteed, when the Cooperative has a written agreement, signed by the guarantor, that allows for disconnection of the guarantor's service.
- Cooperative Service including delivery of electric energy may be disconnected, suspended or terminated without prior notice for any of the following reasons:
- where a known dangerous condition exists for as long as the condition exists. Where reasonable, given the nature of the hazardous condition, the Cooperative shall post a notice of disconnection and the reason for the disconnection at the place of common entry or upon the front door of each affected residential unit as soon as possible after service has been disconnected;
- where service is connected without authority by a person who has not made application for service;
- where service was reconnected without authority after termination for nonpayment; or
- where there has been tampering with the Cooperative's equipment or evidence of theft of service.
Section 2.8 - Use of Cooperative Service. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board, a Member shall:
- Use a Cooperative Service Provided by the Cooperative; and
- participate in a Cooperative program, activity, or event regarding the Member's Use of a Cooperative Service. In Using a Cooperative Service, a Member shall comply with the Governing Documents including any applicable service rules and regulations.
- Payment for Cooperative Service. At prices, rates, or amounts determined by the Board, and pursuant to terms, conditions, time, and manner specified by the Cooperative, a Member shall pay the Cooperative for:
- Cooperative Services Provided to the Member or Provided to or for a Location owned, leased, rented or Occupied by the Member; and
- dues, assessments, fees, deposits, contributions, or other amounts required by the Governing Documents.
If another Person Provides a Member a good or service related to a Cooperative Service Provided to the Member, then, before paying the other Person:
- the Member shall pay the Cooperative; and
- the Cooperative shall apply amounts received from or on behalf of the Member for or toward Cooperative Services Provided to the Member or Provided to or for a Location Occupied by the Member.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board:
- a Member shall pay interest, compounded periodically, and late payment fees for amounts owed, but not timely paid, to the Cooperative;
- a Member shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and collection fees, required to collect or obtain payment of amounts owed, but not timely paid, to the Cooperative; and
- regardless of the Cooperative's accounting procedures, the Cooperative may apply amounts paid by a Member that are not designated for a particular account to all of the Member's accounts on a pro rata basis.
- Sale of Cooperative Service. Except as otherwise provided by the Board, a Member may not sell, lease, or otherwise transfer a Cooperative Service Provided by the Cooperative or a right to a Cooperative Service Provided by Cooperative. All electricity Provided by the Cooperative shall be consumed by the Member in the Cooperative's retail service area as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
Section 2.9 - Grant of Property Rights. As required by the Cooperative for a “Cooperative Purpose”, a Member shall:
- provide the Cooperative safe and reliable access to or use of Member's real property; and
- pursuant to terms and conditions specified by the Cooperative, and without compensation from the Cooperative, grant and convey to the Cooperative a written easement, right-of-way, license, or other right or interest in Member Property, and execute and acknowledge before a notary public a document effecting this grant and conveyance in recordable form.
A "Cooperative Purpose" is, at any time and in a manner determined by the Cooperative:
- purchasing, installing, constructing, inspecting, monitoring, operating, repairing, maintaining, removing, relocating, upgrading, or replacing Cooperative Equipment;
- clearing, trimming, removing, or managing any trees, bushes, brush, or other vegetation by any means including the use of herbicides;
- providing a Cooperative Service to a Member or one (1) or more other Members;
- monitoring, measuring, or maintaining a Cooperative Service Provided to a Member or one
- or more other Members;
- providing electric energy to a Person or one (1) or more other Persons;
- monitoring, measuring, or maintaining electric energy Provided to a Person or one (1) or more other Persons;
- authorizing, permitting, satisfying, or facilitating an obligation incurred, or right granted, by the Cooperative regarding use of Cooperative Equipment; or
- safely, reliably, and efficiently operating the Cooperative or Providing a Cooperative Service.
Section 2.10 - Member Suspension. The Cooperative may suspend a Member for the following reasons ("Suspension Reasons"):
- as provided in the Governing Documents;
- as determined by the Board for good cause;
- the Member is no longer qualified to be a Member;
- the Member does not timely pay an undisputed amount due the Cooperative;
- the Member violates or does not timely comply with the Governing Documents;
- the Member ceases Using a Cooperative Service; or
- the Member requests suspension.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board, a Member is suspended upon:
- the Member's request for suspension; or
- the Cooperative:
- providing the Member written notice of the Member's possible suspension and the underlying Suspension Reason at least ninety (90) days before the possible suspension;
- notifying the Member that the Member has a right to, and allowing the Member an opportunity to, comment upon the Suspension Reason orally or in writing at least ninety (90) days after the Cooperative provides the notice; and
- determining to suspend the Member.
The Cooperative must provide any written suspension notice to the Member's most current address shown on the Membership List.
Upon a Member's suspension:
- other than the Cooperative's obligation to retire and pay Capital Credits, and other than the Cooperative's obligations regarding dissolution, the Cooperative's duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed by the Governing Documents for the Member cease and the Cooperative may cease Providing a Cooperative Service to the Member; and
- other than the Member's right to receive retired and paid Capital Credits, and other than the Member's rights upon the Cooperative's dissolution, the Member forfeits and relinquishes rights provided in the Governing Documents, but remains subject to obligations imposed by the Governing Documents. In particular, a suspended Member may not receive notice, nominate, vote, remove, demand, request, petition, consent, or otherwise act as provided in the Governing Documents.
Unless the Cooperative determines otherwise, a Member's suspension is lifted upon the Member rectifying the underlying Suspension Reason within ninety (90) days of the suspension. The Cooperative may lift a Member suspension for good cause determined by the Board.
Section 2.11 - Member Termination. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a Member is terminated upon:
- the Cooperative learning of the Member's death, legal dissolution, or legal cessation of existence;
- the Member requesting termination;
- the Cooperative learning that the Member has permanently ceased Using a Cooperative Service. Except as otherwise provided by the Board, a partnership Member continuing to Use a Cooperative Service is not suspended upon the death of a partner or following any other alteration in the partnership. A partner departing a partnership Member remains liable to the Cooperative for amounts owed to the Cooperative by the Member at the time of the partner's departure; or
- upon approval by the Board.
Termination of a Member does not:
- release the Member from debts, liabilities, or obligations owed to the Cooperative; or
- release the Cooperative from the obligation to retire and pay Capital Credits to the former Member or obligations to the former Member regarding the Cooperative's dissolution. Upon a Member's termination from the Cooperative, and after deducting amounts owed to the Cooperative, the Cooperative must return to the Member any amount provided in the Governing Documents.
Section 2.12 - Membership List. The Cooperative shall maintain a record of current Members including an alphabetic list of the names and addresses of all Members (“Membership List”).
Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws or the Board, a Person may not inspect, copy, or receive a copy of the Membership List or a similar list of Members.
A Member, Member’s agent, or Member’s attorney, however, may inspect, copy, or receive a copy of the Membership List only if, as determined by the Cooperative:
- the Member's notice or request is made in good faith and for a proper purpose;
- the Member describes with reasonable particularity the purpose for which the Member will use the Membership List; and
- the Membership List is directly connected with the Member's purpose.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board, a Member may not:
- use the Membership List for a purpose unrelated to the Member's interest as a Member;
- use the Membership List to solicit money or property unless the money or property is used solely to communicate with other members for a proper purpose.;
- use the Membership List for a commercial purpose; or
- sell the Membership List.
Nothing in this Section shall preclude the Cooperative from providing the membership list to a Person or Entity for the purpose of mailing Cooperative communications to the Members, counting Member ballots, or other similar activities authorized by the Cooperative or its general manager.
Section 3.1 - Annual Member Meeting. The Cooperative shall annually hold a meeting of Members ("Annual Member Meeting") at such place, date and time as shall be determined by the Board in advance of the meeting. The Cooperative's failure to hold an Annual Member Meeting does not affect an action taken by the Cooperative. At the Annual Member Meeting the Cooperative may present information and conduct other activities as it deems appropriate.
Section 3.2 - Special Member Meetings. The Cooperative shall hold a special meeting of Members ("Special Member Meeting") upon receiving:
- a written or oral request from the President of the Board;
- a resolution of the Board;
- written requests signed by a majority of Directors; or
- a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the total number of unsuspended Members ("Total Membership").
The Board shall determine the date, time, and location and manner of a Special Member Meeting.
Section 3.3 - Agenda, Attendance, and Action at Member Meetings. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, before or at an Annual, or Special Member Meeting ("Member Meeting"), the Cooperative:
- shall determine the agenda, program, or order of business for the Member Meeting; and
- may limit attendance at the Member Meeting to any or all of the following: Members or Members and one (1) guest per Member or Members and one (1) Person Occupying a Location with Members or Members and one (1) legal representative per Member.
By a majority vote of unsuspended Members attending a Member Meeting, Members may modify an agenda, program, or order of business determined by the Cooperative.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board, the President or one (1) or more other individuals designated by the President:
- shall preside at the Member Meeting;
- may remove a Person from the Member Meeting for unruly, disruptive, or similar behavior; and
- may exercise power reasonably necessary for efficiently and effectively conducting the Member Meeting.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board or in the Bylaws, Members attending the Annual Member Meeting may consider, vote, or act only upon a matter for which:
- the Members were notified; and
- the power to act is conferred upon the members by Law, the Articles, or these Bylaws.
Members attending a Special Member Meeting may consider, vote, or act only upon a matter described in the notice of the Special Member Meeting.
Notwithstanding the location provisions of 3.1 and 3.2 of these Bylaws, an Annual Member Meeting or Special Member Meeting does not need to be held at a specific geographic location and instead may be held remotely by electronic, telephonic, internet or videoconferencing technology
- each person entitled to participate in the meeting has notice and advance instructions to participate in the meeting; and
- is provided access to the meeting in a manner or using a method by which each person participating in the meeting has the opportunity to communicate in the meeting
Section 3.4 - Member Action Without a Meeting. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, Members may not act without a Member Meeting.
Section 3.5 - Notice of Member Meetings. Written notice of each meeting of the members shall be delivered to each Member of record, either personally or by mail, not earlier than the thirtieth (30th) day or later than the tenth (10th) day before the date of the meeting. The notice must be delivered by or at the direction of the president, the secretary, or the officers or other persons calling the meeting. The notice must state the time and place of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, each purpose for which the meeting is called. A Member may waive notice of meetings in writing. A notice that is mailed is considered to be delivered when the notice is deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid addressed to the Member at the member's address as it appears on the Membership List.
The good faith, inadvertent, and unintended failure of a Member to receive notice of a Member Meeting does not affect an action taken at the Member Meeting.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Cooperative shall notify Members of a Member Meeting adjourned to another date, time, or location unless:
- the meeting is adjourned to another date occurring within one hundred and twenty (120) days following the Record Date for the original Member Meeting; and
- the new date, time, or location is announced at the Member Meeting prior to adjournment.
Section 3.6 - Record Date. A "Record Date" is the date for determining the Total Membership and the Members entitled to:
- sign a Member petition, request, demand, consent, appointment, or similar document;
- receive a ballot, notice of a Member Meeting, or similar document; or
- vote or otherwise act. If a Member is suspended after the Record Date, then the Member may not sign a document, receive a document, or vote or otherwise act.
The Board may fix the Record Date, but the Record Date must not be more than seventy (70) days before the:
- date the first Member signs a Member petition, request, demand, consent, appointment, or similar document;
- date a ballot, notice, or similar document is due or required; or
- date of a Member Meeting.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board, the Record Date:
- for signing a Member petition, request, demand, consent, appointment, or similar document is the date the Cooperative receives the signed document;
- for receiving a ballot, notice, or similar document is the date thirty (30) days before the document is due or required; and
- voting at a Member Meeting is the date of the Member Meeting.
The Record Date for determining the Total Membership and the Members entitled to notice of, or to vote at, a Member Meeting is effective for a Member Meeting adjourned to a date not more than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the original Member Meeting.
Section 3.7 - Member Waiver of Notice. A Member may waive notice of a Member Meeting, or of a matter to be considered, or voted or acted upon, at a Member Meeting, by signing and delivering to the Cooperative a written or electronic waiver of notice ("Member Meeting Waiver of Notice") either before the Member Meeting or within thirty (30) days after the Member Meeting. Unless a Member objects to holding a Member Meeting, or to transacting business at the Member Meeting, the Member's attendance in person or by Mail Ballot at the Member Meeting waives the Member's objection to lack of notice, or to defective notice, of the Member Meeting.
Unless a Member objects to considering, or voting or acting upon, a matter at a Member Meeting, the Member's attendance in person or by Mail Ballot on the matter considered at the Member Meeting waives the Member's objection to considering, or voting or acting upon, the matter at the Member Meeting.
Section 3.8 - Member Voting Electronically or by Mail Ballot.
- Authorization. The Board of Directors may authorize voting by mail or electronically on any matter submitted to a vote by the Members. A Member may vote electronically or by mail only as provided in these Bylaws and in a manner determined by the Board. When electronic or mail ballot voting is authorized by the Board of Directors, voting shall be upon ballot forms or other medium furnished or made available to the member at the time notice of any Members meeting is given to the Members.
- Electronic or Mail Ballot Voting. A Member may vote electronically or by mail on any matter including director election in conjunction with a Member Meeting if and to the extent the Cooperative issues a mail ballot ("Mail Ballot") or makes electronic voting available to each Member entitled to vote on the matter. A Member submitting a completed Mail Ballot or Electronic Ballot may not vote in any other manner at the Member Meeting regarding a matter described in the Mail Ballot or Electronic Ballot. The Cooperative may count completed Mail Ballots and Electronic Ballots received before the Member Meeting in determining whether a Member Quorum exists at the Member Meeting. The Cooperative must count as a Member's vote a properly completed Mail Ballot or Electronic Ballot received on, or before, the time and date stated in the Mail Ballot or Electronic Ballot.
- Contents of Electronic or Mail Ballot. A Mail Ballot or Electronic Ballot ("Electronic Ballot") shall:
- describe briefly a proposed action, and may include the language of a motion, resolution, or other written statement, upon which a Member is asked to vote or act;
- state the date of a Member Meeting at which the proposed action is to be considered;
- provide an opportunity to vote for or against, and may provide an opportunity to abstain from voting on, the matter;
- instruct the Member how to complete and return the Electronic or Mail Ballot; and
- state the time and date by which the Cooperative must receive the completed Electronic or Mail Ballot.
Except as otherwise provided by the Board, a Member may not revoke a completed Electronic or Mail Ballot received by the Cooperative. A Member's failure to receive an Electronic or Mail Ballot does not affect a vote or action taken by Mail Ballot.
- Except as provided in subsections B), C) and D) of this Section 3.9, the quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the members is one hundred and fifty (150) members, present in person ("Member Quorum"). If voting electronically or by mail is allowed, members voting electronically or by mail are counted as present in person for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum present. A quorum is required before any business may be transacted at any meeting of the members. The Board may amend this Bylaw to increase or decrease the Member Quorum.
- No proposal to amend the Cooperative's Articles of Incorporation may be acted upon unless at least five percent (5%) of the Total Membership are present in person by Electronic or Mail Ballot, if allowed.
- The Cooperative's Articles of Incorporation may require more than one hundred and fifty (150) members to be present to take action upon a particular matter specified by the Articles, in which case such higher quorum requirement must be met.
- If less than a quorum is present at a Member Meeting, a majority of those present in person may adjourn the meeting to another time and date not less than forty five (45) days nor more than sixty (60) days later and to any place in one of the counties in Texas within which the Cooperative serves; PROVIDED, that the Secretary of the Cooperative shall notify all members of the time, date and place of such adjourned meeting by delivering notice as provided in Section 3.5 of these Bylaws.
Section 3.10 - Member Voting. If a Member presents identification or proof of Cooperative membership as reasonably required by the Cooperative, and if the Member is not suspended on the Record Date and remains unsuspended after the Record Date, then, regardless of the value or quantity of Cooperative Services Used, the Member may cast one (1) vote on each matter for which the Member is entitled to vote. The manner of voting shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
To vote on behalf of an Entity Member, an individual must present evidence requested by and satisfactory to the Cooperative that the individual is authorized to vote for the Entity Member.
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, Members approve a matter if:
- a Member Quorum is present in person or by Electronic or Mail Ballot; and
- a majority of Members voting in person or by Electronic or Mail Ballot, who are entitled to vote on the matter, vote in favor of the matter.
With respect to Director elections, for each Director position, the Director nominee receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected.
At a Member Meeting, the individual presiding over the Member vote may require the Members to vote by voice or holding up a voting card. If the individual presiding over the Member vote determines, in good faith, that a voice vote is not sufficient to accurately determine the vote results, then the Members shall vote by holding up a voting card or written ballot ("Written Ballot"), or by any other reasonable manner determined by the individual presiding over the voting. Members may not cumulate votes. Agreements signed by Members providing the manner in which a Member will vote are not valid.
Section 3.11 - Member Voting by Member Proxy. A member may not vote by proxy at a Member Meeting unless voting by proxy is authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 3.12 - Accepting and Rejecting Member Voting Documents. For a Mail Ballot, Electronic Ballot, Member Meeting Waiver of Notice, or other document allegedly executed by, or submitted on behalf of, a Member (collectively, "Member Voting Document"):
- the Cooperative may accept, and give effect to, the Member Voting Document if:
- the name signed on the Member Voting Document corresponds to a Member's name, and the Cooperative acts in good faith; or
- the Cooperative reasonably believes the Member Voting Document is valid and authorized in accordance with voting requirements for Mail Ballots or Electronic Ballots;
- the Cooperative may reject, and not give effect to, the Member Voting Document if the Cooperative:
- acts in good faith; and
- has a reasonable basis for doubting the validity of the Electronic Ballot, signature on the Member Voting Document or the validity of the signatory's authority to sign or submit a Voting Document on behalf of the Member; and
- the Cooperative, and a Cooperative Member or Official, are not liable to a Member for accepting or rejecting a Member Voting Document as provided in this Bylaw.
If the Cooperative delegates evaluation of Member Voting Documents to an independent third party, the independent third party may determine if a Mail Ballot, Electronic Ballot or Member Meeting Waiver of Notice should be counted or otherwise given effect and the decision of the independent third party shall be binding on the Cooperative and all Members.
Section 3.13 - Credentials and Election Committee. The Board may but is not required to establish a Credentials and Elections Committee (“C&E Committee”) and specify the duties of the C&E Committee by resolution.
Section 4.1 - Director Districts. Based upon geographic, population, membership, or other equitable considerations determined by the Board, the Board shall divide the area in which the Cooperative Provides Cooperative Service ("Cooperative Service Area") into three (3) districts that equitably represent the Members ("Director Districts"). Each Director District shall be represented by three (3) directors. The Director Districts are described as follows: District No. 1 shall consist of the County of Medina, Texas; District No. 2 shall consist of the counties of Uvalde, Zavala, Frio, Real, Edwards, Kinney and Atascosa, Texas; and District No. 3 shall consist of the counties of LaSalle, Webb, Duval, McMullen, Dimmit, Jim Hogg, Zapata, Starr and Brooks, Texas.
Every year ending with a 5 or a 0, the Board shall, not less than ninety (90) days prior to July, review the Director Districts. If the Board determines that the boundaries or number of Director Districts should be altered, or that one (1) or more Director Districts or at-large directorships should be established, or that the number of district directors should be increased or reduced, so as to correct any substantially inequitable factors regarding representation, based on location of the membership as indicated by the cooperative records, the number or geographic location of districts or the number of directors, then the Board shall amend these Bylaws accordingly and may, after such amendments become effective, appoint any additional directors provided for by such amendments, and may fix their respective initial terms, not to exceed three (3) years. No such amendment shall become effective so as to expand a director's term beyond the time it would otherwise expire or, unless he consents thereto in writing, to cause the vacancy of any director's office prior to the time his term would otherwise expire. The Board shall cause all such amendments and the names, addresses and initial terms of any newly appointed additional directors to be noticed in writing to the members not less than ten (10) days prior to July 1.
Section 4.2 - Board. The Cooperative shall have a Board that equitably represents the Members and is composed of nine (9) Members or individuals authorized by Entity Members that are:
- Reside and Use a Cooperative Service at a Location within a Director District;
- nominated by the Members who are Using a Cooperative Service at a Location within the same Director District; and
- elected by the Total Membership.
A Director may only be nominated from one Director District and that Director District being the district in which the Director is qualified to serve. Refer to Section 4.3 Director Qualifications
The Cooperative shall endeavor to maintain at least one (1) Member or individual authorized by an Entity Member who has, through education and experience as a public accountant or auditor or a principal financial officer, comptroller, or principal accounting officer of an Entity, or from a position involving the performance of similar functions gained:
- an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and financial statements;
- experience in the preparation or auditing of financial statements of generally comparable Entities and the application of such principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves;
- experience with internal accounting controls;
- an understanding of audit committee functions; ("Financial Expert'').
The Board may not be composed of more than three (3) individuals authorized by Entity Members. An Entity Member may not authorize more than one (1) Director.
Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation, the business and affairs of the Cooperative shall be managed by its Board of Directors, as follows:
- Cooperative powers must be exercised by the Board, or under the Board's authority;
- Cooperative affairs must be managed under the Board's direction; and
- The Board shall reasonably administer and enforce these Bylaws, or shall ensure that these Bylaws are reasonably administered and enforced.
To the extent the Governing Documents authorize a Person to exercise a power that the Board would otherwise exercise, the Person exercising the power has, and is subject to, the same duties, responsibilities, and standards of care of the Board.
Section 4.3 - Director Qualifications. A Director or Director Candidate must comply with this Bylaw.
The "Nomination Date" is the date, approved by the Board, upon which the District Nominating Meeting for each Director District will held.
A) General Director Qualifications. To become or remain a Director, a Person must comply with the following general qualifications ("General Director Qualifications"):
1) be an individual not less than 18 years old and a citizen of the United States;
2) have the capacity to enter legally binding contracts;
3) while a Director, and during the five (5) years immediately before the Nomination Date, not:
a) be convicted of a felony or a crime of theft involving moral turpitude; or
b) plead guilty to a felony or a crime of theft involving moral turpitude;
c) have been determined to be of unsound mind, or incompetent to handle his or her own affairs by a court of law;
4) except as otherwise provided by the Board for good cause, receive a Credentialed Cooperative Director designation, Director's Certificate, or similar Certification from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association within one (1) year of becoming a Director;
5) except as otherwise provided by the Board for good cause, attend (in person or via web or teleconference) at least nine (9) Board Meetings during each twelve (12) month period; and
6) be able to read, write and speak the English language.
B) Membership Related Director Qualifications. To become or remain a Director, an individual must comply with the following membership qualifications ("Membership Director Qualifications"):
1) while a Director and during the five (5) years immediately before the Nomination Date:
a) be an unsuspended Member;
b) be a Member in good standing of the Cooperative. In good standing is defined as a Member that has paid all bills to the Cooperative for which service he/she is legally responsible or liable without having been issued more than three (3) termination notices or issued a disconnect order. Verification criteria are:
i. for preceding months one through thirteen (1-13), payment codes on the members account will be used, where a termination notice is indicated by a code “DQ1” and a disconnect order is indicated by a code “CUT”.
ii. for preceding months fourteen through twenty-four (14-24), members payment history will be used, where a termination notice was issued if payment was received nineteen (19) or more days after billing date, and a disconnect order was issued if payment was received twenty-nine (29) or more days after billing date.
c) Maintain Residency and use a Cooperative Service at, a Location within the Director District from which the Director is nominated or elected; and
- A Director or Nominee may declare a Residence by executing a Declaration Form, by the Nomination Date
- The residence must be either the location where the Member claims the homestead property tax exemption, or the address indicated on a current valid driver's license.
2) while a Director:
a) be a Member
b) be authorized by an Entity Member that, while a Director and during the one (1) year immediately before the Nomination Date, is unsuspended, and maintains Residency at a Location within the Director District from which the Director is nominated or elected and within the Director District where the Entity is using a Cooperative Service; or
3) be designated or appointed by the Board.
C. Conflict of Interest Director Qualifications. To become or remain a Director, an individual must comply with the following conflict of interest qualifications ("Conflict of Interest Director Qualifications"):
- annually complete and sign a conflict of interest certification and disclosure form approved by the Board including disclosure of all accounts for which he or she is legally responsible or liable;
- while a Director,
a) not be a Close Relative of a Cooperative employee;
b) not hold an elected position of a body politic, political office or entity to which remuneration or salary is paid, not including reimbursement of expenses.
c) not be in any way employed by or receive more than ten percent (10%) of his or her annual gross income, other than insurance or retirement income, directly or indirectly from a competing enterprise or business engaged in the generation, marketing or selling of electric energy. - while a Director and during the one (1) year immediately before the Nomination Date,
a) not receive more than ten percent (10%) of his or her annual gross income, other than insurance or Director compensation or retirement income, directly or indirectly from the Cooperative or a Cooperative Subsidiary;
b) have a Close Relative that receives more than ten percent (10%) of his or her annual gross income, other than insurance or Director compensation or retirement income, directly or indirectly from the Cooperative or a Cooperative Subsidiary;
c) not advance or have a Close Relative that advances the individual's pecuniary interest by Providing a good or service similar to a good or service Provided by the Cooperative or a Cooperative Subsidiary; - while a Director and during the five (5) years immediately before the Nomination Date
a) not be an employee of the Cooperative or an employee of an entity controlled by the Cooperative or in which the Cooperative owns a majority interest ("Cooperative Subsidiary");
b) not be employed by or be a Close Relative of a person who is or has been employed by a labor union which represents, or has represented, or has endeavored to represent any employees of the Cooperative.
c) not be an employee of a company which sells goods or services to the Cooperative, another Cooperative or an entity controlled by the Cooperative or another Cooperative or in which the Cooperative or another Cooperative owns a majority interest ("Cooperative Subsidiary");
d) not be an employee of another Cooperative or an employee of an entity controlled by another Cooperative or in which another Cooperative owns a majority interest ("Cooperative Subsidiary"); - while a Director and during the seven (7) years immediately before the Nomination Date not have filed bankruptcy or been adjudicated to be bankrupt or be affiliated with any business enterprise that has filed bankruptcy or been adjudicated to be bankrupt.
D) Director Disqualification. After being elected, designated, or appointed, if a Director does not comply with all General Director Qualifications, Membership Director Qualifications, and Conflict of Interest Director Qualifications collectively, ("Director Qualifications"), then, except as otherwise provided by the Board for good cause, the Board may disqualify the Director (“Director Disqualification”) and the individual is no longer a Director if:
1) the Board notifies the Director in writing of the basis for, and provides the Director an opportunity to comment regarding, the Board's proposed disqualification; and
2) within ten (10) days after the Board notifies the Director of the proposed disqualification, the Director neither complies with nor meets the Director Qualification.
If a majority of Directors authorized by these Bylaws complies with the Director Qualifications and approves a Board action, then the failure of a Director to comply with the Director Qualifications does not affect the Board action.
Section 4.4 - Director Nominations. For each Director position, nominations for Director may be made by submission of a Member petition. Incumbent Directors may be nominated as provided in this Section.
- Statement of Intent. Eligible Incumbent Directors shall indicate their intention of accepting or declining nomination by executing an Incumbent Director Statement of Intent form during the January board meeting of the current election year.
- Member Petition Nominations. Nominating Members may nominate, through petition, individuals to run for election for a Director position nominated by Nominating Members and scheduled for election by Members at the Member Meeting ("Member Petition Nominations").
For purposes of determining if a Member is entitled to execute a Member Petition (Nominating Members), the following rules shall apply:
1) A Member must not be suspended.
2) A Member may only sign a petition for one (1) District in any calendar year.
3) Use a Cooperative service in the Director District for which a Member Petition is being signed.
4) By signing a Member Petition the Member forfeits the right to sign a subsequent Petition
5) If a husband and a wife hold a joint membership, only one (1) of them may sign the petition.
Nominating Members make Member Petition Nominations by delivering to the Cooperative at its corporate headquarters no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first business day of March of the current election year for each Member Petition Nomination ("Member Petition"):
1) listing, on each page of the Member Petition, the name of the Member Petition Nominee;
2) indicating, on each page of the Member Petition, the Director position for which the Member Petition Nominee will run; and
3) containing the printed names, mailing addresses where the members receive the Cooperative’s electric bill, and telephone numbers, and original dated signatures signed prior to the first business day of March of the current election year, of at least thirty (30) Nominating Members.
A Nominee is a member who has submitted a Petition but has not yet been certified by the Board Certification Committee.
- Certification Committee. The Cooperative’s Certification Committee shall consist of the Cooperative’s Board of Directors, exclusive of any director who is up for election. The Cooperative’s Certification Committee shall:
1) determine the validity of all Member Petitions; and
2) determine if each individual nominated to serve as a Director is qualified to serve as Director. The Certification Committee shall conduct its review not less than one hundred and fifty (150) days before a meeting of Members at which Directors are to be elected. If the Cooperative’s Certification Committee fails to act within the time allowed, a petition shall be deemed to be valid.
3) certify a Nominee as a Candidate, and
4) certify Candidates as elected without a Member election if a Candidate is unopposed by:
a) an incumbent Director or,
b) a Candidate nominated by a Member Petition.
D) Nominations from the Floor Prohibited. Members, including Nominating Members, may not nominate from the floor of a Member Meeting an individual to run for election to a Director position scheduled for election at the Member Meeting.
E) Notice of Director Nominations. At least ten (10) days before a Member Meeting at which Members are scheduled to elect Directors, the Cooperative shall notify Members of the:
1) Director positions scheduled for election by Members; and
2) names and corresponding Director positions of all Member Petition Nominations.
Section 4.5 - Director Elections. At each Member Meeting at which a Director is to be elected, the Members shall elect the Director from the Candidates approved by the Certification Committee. A Candidate shall be become a Director if he or she receives the highest number of votes cast in the election by Members voting by Electronic or Mail Ballot (“Electing Members”). In the event of a tie, the incumbent Director shall be elected; provided, however, if neither of the candidates is an incumbent, the election shall be decided by a coin toss.
The Board may but is not required to allow voting by Members present at the meeting by voice vote or written ballot distributed at the meeting.
Section 4.6 - Director Terms. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a Director's term is three
- years or until a successor Director is elected, designated, or appointed ("Director Term"). A Director's term begins at the beginning of the first Board Meeting held after the Director is elected, designated, or appointed and consents to serve. A Director's term ends at the beginning of the first Board Meeting held after a successor Director is elected, designated, or appointed and consents to serve.
The Cooperative shall stagger Director Terms by dividing the total number of authorized Directors into groups of approximately equal number. Members must annually elect an approximately equal number of Directors.
Section 4.7 - Director Resignation. A Director may resign at any time. To resign, a Director must sign and deliver a written notice of resignation to the Board, President, or Secretary. Except as a later date is otherwise provided in a written notice of resignation, a Director's resignation is effective when the Board, President, or Secretary receives the written notice of resignation. If a Director's resignation is effective at a later date, and if the successor Director does not take office until the effective date of the Director's resignation, then the pending Director vacancy may be filled before the effective date of the Director's resignation.
Section 4.8 - Director Removal.
- Removal by the Board. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Board may remove a Director designated or appointed by the Board for any reason.
- Removal by Members. As provided in this Bylaw, and for taking or omitting a negligent, fraudulent, or criminal act significantly and adversely affecting the Cooperative, the Members may remove a Director.
- Director Removal Petition - For each Director for whom removal is requested, the Members seeking removal of a Director must deliver to the President or Secretary a dated written petition ("Director Removal Petition"):
- identifying the Director on each page;
- explaining, on each page, the basis for the Director's removal; and
- as Members existed on the Director Removal Petition date, containing the printed names, printed addresses, and original and dated signatures obtained within sixty (60) days following the Director Removal Petition date, of at least ten percent (10%) of the Members.
- Director Removal Petition - For each Director for whom removal is requested, the Members seeking removal of a Director must deliver to the President or Secretary a dated written petition ("Director Removal Petition"):
Within thirty (30) days after the President or Secretary receives a Director Removal Petition:
- the Cooperative shall forward a copy of the Director Removal Petition to the involved Director; and
- the Board shall meet to review the Director Removal Petition.
- Member Meeting - If the Board determines that the Director Removal Petition complies with this Bylaw, then the Cooperative shall notice and hold a Member Meeting within sixty (60) days following the Board's determination. Notice of the Member Meeting must state that:
- a purpose of the Member Meeting is to consider removing a Director;
- statements may be presented, and a Member vote taken, regarding removing the Director; and
- Members may elect a successor Director.
- Member Meeting - If the Board determines that the Director Removal Petition complies with this Bylaw, then the Cooperative shall notice and hold a Member Meeting within sixty (60) days following the Board's determination. Notice of the Member Meeting must state that:
If a Member Quorum is present in person at the Member Meeting, then for the Director named in a Director Removal Petition:
- before a Member vote, statements must be presented supporting the basis for removing the Director;
- the Director may be represented by legal counsel, and must have the opportunity to refute, and present statements opposing, the basis for removing the Director; and
- after the Director's presentation and Member discussion, the Members must vote whether to remove the Director.
If a majority of Members entitled to vote at the meeting vote to remove the Director, then the Director is removed effective the time and date of the Member vote. At the Member Meeting, the Members may elect a new Director to succeed the removed Director without complying with the Director Nomination or notice provisions of these Bylaws. A successor Director elected by the (“Removing Members”) must comply with the Director Qualifications and serves the unexpired Director Term of the removed Director. A Director Removal Petition or Director removal does not affect a Board action.
Members may not remove a Director for lawfully opposing a Transfer of Cooperative Assets or a Cooperative dissolution. The Board may not remove a Director for lawfully opposing a Transfer of Cooperative Assets or a Cooperative dissolution.
Section 4.9 - Director Vacancy. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws:
- by an affirmative vote of the majority of remaining Directors, the Board may fill a vacant Director position, or a Director position resulting from increasing the number of Directors;
- a Director elected, designated, or appointed by the Board to fill a vacant Director position serves for the remainder of the unexpired term or such shorter term as the Board may determine; and
- a Director elected, designated, or appointed by the Board to fill a Director position resulting from increasing the number of Directors serves for a three (3) year term or such shorter term as the Board may determine.
If a Director vacancy will occur at a later specified date, then the Board may fill the vacancy before the vacancy occurs and the new Director takes office when the vacancy occurs. An individual elected, designated, or appointed to fill a vacant Director position must comply with the Director Qualifications.
Section 4.10 - Director Compensation. A Director is not an employee of the Cooperative. As determined or approved by the Board, the Cooperative may pay or reimburse Directors a fixed fee and expenses for attending a:
- Board Meeting;
- function, meeting, or event involving or relating to the Cooperative; or
- function, meeting, or event involving, relating to, or reasonably enhancing the Director's ability to serve in, the role of Director. The Board must determine or approve the manner, method, and amount of any Director fee or expense.
Section 4.11 – Director Conduct. In general:
- Director Standard of Conduct. A Director is not a trustee regarding the Cooperative or property held or administered by the Cooperative, including property potentially subject to restrictions imposed by the property's donor or transferor. A Director shall discharge the Director's duties, including duties as a Board Committee member:
- in good faith;
- in a manner the Director reasonably believes to be in the Cooperative's best interests;
- when becoming informed in connection with the Director's decision-making function or devoting attention to the Director's oversight function, with the care that an individual in a like position would reasonably believe appropriate under similar circumstances; and
- in a manner in which the Director discloses or causes to be disclosed to other Directors or Board Committee members information not known by them, but known by the Director to be material to discharging their decision-making or oversight functions, except that disclosure is not required to the extent that the Director reasonably believes that disclosure would violate a duty imposed under law, a legally enforceable obligation of confidentiality, or a professional ethics rule.
- Director Reliance on Others. Unless a Director has knowledge making reliance unwarranted, then in discharging the Director's duties, including duties as a Board Committee member, the Director may rely:
- on the performance by any of the following individuals listed in (a) or (c) to whom the Board has formally or informally delegated the authority or duty to perform one or more of the Board's delegable functions; and
- upon information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, prepared or presented by any of the following individuals:
- one or more Cooperative Officers or employees whom the Director reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the functions performed or the information, opinions, reports, or statements provided;
- legal counsel, public accountants, or other individuals retained by the Cooperative regarding matters involving skills or expertise the Director reasonably believes are matters within the individual's professional or expert competence and as to which the individual merits confidence; and
- a Board Committee of which the Director is not a member if the Director reasonably believes the Board Committee merits confidence.
Section 4.12 - Close Relative. The term "Close Relative" means an individual who:
- through blood, law, or marriage, is a spouse, child, stepchild, father, stepfather, mother, stepmother, brother, stepbrother, half-brother, sister, stepsister, half-sister, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter- in-law; or
- resides in the same residence (collectively, "Close Relative").
An individual qualified and elected, designated, or appointed to a position does not become a Close Relative while serving in the position because of a marriage or legal action to which the individual was not a party.
Section 5.1 - Regular Board Meetings. The Board shall regularly meet at the date, time, and location determined by the Board ("Regular Board Meeting"). Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Board may hold Regular Board Meetings without notice other than the notice provided in a Board resolution establishing the date, time and place of a Regular Board Meeting. For good cause, the President may change the date, time, or location of a Regular Board Meeting. A Director not attending a Board Meeting at which the Regular Board Meeting date, time, or location is changed is entitled to receive notice of the Regular Board Meeting change at least five (5) days before the next Regular Board Meeting. All Directors are entitled to receive notice of a President's change in a Regular Board Meeting date, time, or location at least five (5) days before the changed Regular Board Meeting.
Section 5.2 - Special Board Meetings. The Board, the President, or at least six (6) Directors may call a special meeting of the Board ("Special Board Meeting") by providing each Director at least five (5) days prior written notice indicating the date, time, and location and purpose of the Special Board Meeting.
Section 5.3 - Conduct of Board Meetings. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, a Regular Board Meeting or Special Board Meeting ("Board Meeting") may be:
- held in, or out of, a state in which the Cooperative Provides a Cooperative Service; and
- conducted with absent Directors participating, and deemed present in person, through a means of communication by which all Directors participating in the Board Meeting may simultaneously hear and communicate with each other during the Board Meeting.
If a Director Quorum is present at a Board Meeting, then:
- in descending priority, the following Officers may preside at the Board Meeting: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer; and
- if no Officer is present or desires to preside at a Board Meeting, then the Directors attending the Board Meeting must elect a Director to preside over the Board Meeting.
The Board may promulgate or approve rules, policies, and procedures regarding:
- attendance at, participation in, or presentation during Board Meetings by Persons other than Directors;
- the right to access, inspect, or copy minutes, records, or other documents relating to a Board Meeting by Persons other than Directors; or
- the conduct of Board Meetings.
Section 5.4 - Waiver of Board Meeting Notice. At any time, a Director may waive notice of a Board Meeting by delivering to the Cooperative a written waiver of notice signed by the Director and later filed with the Board Meeting minutes or the Cooperative's records. A Director's attendance at, or participation in, a Board Meeting waives notice of the Board Meeting and any matter considered at the Board Meeting, unless the Director:
- at the beginning of the Board Meeting, or promptly upon arrival, objects to lack of, or defective, notice of the Board Meeting or a matter being considered at the Board Meeting; and
- does not vote for, or assent to, an objected matter.
Section 5.5 - Board Action by Written Consent. The Board may take action at a Board Meeting. No action shall be taken by “Director Written Consent”.
Section 5.6 - Director Quorum and Voting. A quorum of Directors is a majority of the Directors in office immediately before a Board Meeting begins ("Director Quorum"). If a Director Quorum is present when a matter is voted or acted upon, and unless the vote of a greater number of Directors is required, then the affirmative vote of a majority of Directors voting is the act of the Board. An interested Director is not counted in determining whether a Director Quorum is present to vote or act upon a matter in which the Director is interested as provided in Section 5.8. A Director may not vote by proxy. An agreement signed by Directors providing the manner in which a Director must vote is not valid.
Section 5.7 - Committees. The Board may create a committee of the Board ("Board Committee") and appoint Directors to serve on the Board Committee. A Board Committee must consist of two (2) or more Directors and serves at the Board's discretion. The Board may create a committee of the Members ("Member Committee") and appoint Members, including Directors, to serve on the Member Committee. The Board may appoint one (1) or more Directors or Members, respectively, as alternate members of any Board or Member Committee to replace any absent or disqualified Committee member during the Committee member’s absence or disqualification.
- Creation and Appointment of Committees. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, at least a majority of Directors currently in office must approve the:
- creation of a Board Committee or Member Committee;
- appointment of Directors to a Board Committee; and
- appointment of Members to a Member Committee.
- Conduct of Committee Meetings. To the same extent as the Board and Directors, the Bylaws addressing Regular Board Meetings, Special Board Meetings, Conduct of Board Meetings, Waiver of Board Meeting Notice, Board Action by Written Consent, and Director Quorum and Voting apply to Board Committees and Directors serving on Board Committees, and to Member Committees and Members serving on Member Committees.
- Committee Authority. A Member Committee may act as specified by the Board, but may not exercise Board authority. Except as otherwise provided in this Bylaw, the Board may authorize a Board Committee to exercise Board authority. Although a Board Committee may recommend, a Board Committee may not act, to:
- retire and pay Capital Credits;
- approve the Cooperative's dissolution or merger, or the sale, pledge, or Transfer of all, or substantially all, Cooperative Assets;
- elect, appoint, disqualify, or remove a Director, or fill a Board or Board Committee vacancy; or
- adopt, amend, or repeal Bylaws.
Section 5.8 - Conflict of Interest Transaction. A conflict of interest transaction is a transaction with the Cooperative in which a Director has a direct or indirect interest ("Conflict of Interest Transaction").
- Indirect Interest. A Director has an indirect interest in a transaction with the Cooperative if at least one party to the transaction is another Entity:
- in which the Director has a material interest or is a general partner; or
- of which the Director is a director, officer, or trustee.
- Approval of Conflict of Interest Transaction. Regardless of the presence or vote of a Director interested in a Conflict of Interest Transaction, a Conflict of Interest Transaction may be approved, and a Board Quorum or Member Quorum satisfied, if the Conflict of Interest Transaction's material facts, and the Director's interest, are:
- disclosed or known to the Board or Board Committee, and a majority of more than one (1) Director or Board Committee member with no interest in the Conflict of Interest Transaction votes to approve the Conflict of Interest Transaction; or
- disclosed or known to the Members, and a majority of Members not voting under the control of a Director or Entity interested in the Conflict of Interest Transaction votes to approve the Conflict of Interest Transaction.
- Fair Conflict of Interest Transaction. A Conflict of Interest Transaction that is fair when entered is not:
- voidable; or
- the basis for imposing liability on a Director interested in the Conflict of Interest Transaction.
Section 6.1 - Required Officers. The Board shall elect from its membership the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer ("Required Officers"). The Board shall elect Required Officers:
- at the first Regular Board Meeting following each Annual Member Meeting, or as soon after each Annual Member Meeting as reasonably possible and convenient;
- by affirmative vote of a majority of Directors in office;
- following written self-declaration of a Directors interest to serve as an officer;
- by voting for each officer position individually beginning with President; and
- by secret written ballot.
A Required Officer must be a Director. One Director may simultaneously be Secretary and Treasurer. Except as otherwise provided by Law, this Director may not execute, acknowledge, or verify a document in more than one capacity. Subject to removal by the Board, a Required Officer holds office until the Required Officer's successor is elected. The Board shall fill a vacant Required Officer's position for the unexpired portion of the Required Officer's term. A Required Officer may delegate duties and responsibilities to a non-Director Cooperative Official.
San Miguel Electric Cooperative and South Texas Electric Cooperative directors shall be elected in the manner outlined above for the Required Officers.
Section 6.2 - President. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or these Bylaws, the President:
- shall preside, or designate another individual to preside, at all Board and Member Meetings;
- on the Cooperative's behalf, may sign a document properly authorized or approved by the Board or Members; and
- shall perform all other duties, shall have all other responsibilities, and may exercise all other authority, prescribed by the Board.
Section 6.3 - Vice-President. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or these Bylaws, the Vice- President:
- upon the President's death, absence, disability, improper refusal, or inability to act, shall perform the duties, and have the powers, of the President; and
- shall perform all other duties, shall have all other responsibilities, and may exercise all other authority, prescribed by the Board.
Section 6.4 - Secretary. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or these Bylaws, the Secretary:
- shall be responsible for preparing minutes of Board and Member Meetings;
- shall be responsible for authenticating the Cooperative's records;
- may affix the Cooperative's seal to a document authorized or approved by the Board or Members; and
- shall perform all other duties, shall have all other responsibilities, and may exercise all other authority, prescribed by the Board.
Section 6.5 - Treasurer. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or these Bylaws, the Treasurer shall perform all duties, shall have all responsibility, and may exercise all authority, prescribed by the Board.
Section 6.6 - General Manager. The Board shall appoint a General Manager, who may be, but shall not be required to be, a member of the Cooperative. The General Manager shall:
- be the chief executive officer of the Cooperative and is authorized to use the title General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, or CEO;
- sign with the Secretary, certificates of membership, the issue of such shall have been authorized by the Board of Directors or the members, and may sign any deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, notes, bonds, contracts, or other instruments authorized by the Board of Directors to be executed, except in cases in which the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Corporation, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed;
- perform all duties incident to the office of General Manager and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time;
- have the power and authority to hire, assign, promote, discharge or discipline other employees of the Cooperative.
The Board shall set forth and maintain, and shall from time to time review and as appropriate revise, a written description of the General Manager's duties and authorities.
Section 6.7 - Officer Resignation and Removal. At any time, a Required Officer (collectively, "Officer" or "Cooperative Officer") may resign. To resign, an Officer must deliver to the Cooperative an oral or written resignation. Except as a later effective date is otherwise provided in the Officer resignation, an Officer resignation is effective when received by the Cooperative. If an Officer resignation is effective at a later date, then the Board may fill the vacant Officer position before the later effective date, but the successor Officer may not take office until the later effective date. At any time, the Board may remove an Officer if the Board determines that the removal will serve the best interests of the Cooperative.
Section 6.8 - Officer Standard of Conduct. An Officer shall discharge the Officer's duties:
- in good faith;
- with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances; and
- in a manner the Officer reasonably believes to be in the Cooperative's best interests.
Section 6.9 - Officer Contract Rights. The election or appointment of an Officer, does not create a contract between the Cooperative and the Officer.
Section 6.10 - Authority to Execute Documents. On the Cooperative's behalf, two (2) Required Officers may sign, execute, and acknowledge a document properly authorized or approved by the Board. The Board may authorize additional Cooperative Officials or other individuals to sign, execute, and acknowledge a document on the Cooperative's behalf.
Section 6.11 - Officer Compensation. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or in a Bylaw addressing Director compensation or reimbursement, the Cooperative may reasonably compensate and reimburse, an Officer.
Section 6.12 - Bonds. At the Cooperative's expense, the Cooperative may purchase a bond covering a Cooperative Official.
Section 6.13 - Indemnification. Cooperative indemnification of a governing person, former governing person, or delegate (“Indemnification of a Governing Person”) shall be governed by Title 1, Chapter 8 of the Texas Business Organizations Code. The Cooperative shall:
- indemnify a governing person, former governing person, or delegate to the maximum extent indemnification is consistent with the provisions of Title 1, Chapter 8 of the Texas Business Organizations Code or any successor provisions dealing with the same subject matter; and
- before the final disposition of a pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, and whether formal or informal proceeding, pay for, or reimburse a governing person, former governing person, or delegate, for his or her reasonable indemnification expenses as determined by the Board.
- The provisions of this Section are for the benefit of, and may be enforced by each governing person, former governing person, or delegate of the Cooperative as a contract for valuable consideration and constitute a continuing offer to all present and future directors and officers of the Cooperative. The Cooperative, by the adoption of this Section, agrees that each present and future governing persons, former governing persons, or delegates has relied upon and will continue to rely upon the provisions of this Section in accepting, serving or continuing to serve as a governing person, former governing person, or delegate.
- No amendment, modification or repeal of this Section or any provision hereof shall in any manner terminate, reduce or impair the right of a governing person, former governing person, or delegate of the Cooperative to be indemnified by the Cooperative, nor the obligation of the Cooperative to indemnify any such director or officer, under and in accordance with the provisions of this Section as in effect immediately prior to such amendment, modification or repeal with respect to claims arising from or relating to matters occurring, in whole or in part, prior to such amendment, modification or repeal, regardless of when such claims may arise or be asserted.
Section 6.14 - Insurance. Regardless of indemnification authority or requirement, the Cooperative may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of an individual who is or was a governing person, former governing person, or delegate as defined in Chapter 8 of the Texas Business Organizations Code. This insurance is against a liability, including judgment, settlement or otherwise, or reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, asserted against or incurred by the Cooperative or a governing person, former governing person, or delegate in his or her individual capacity, or arising from the individual's status, as a governing person, former governing person, or delegate with the Cooperative.
Section 7.1 - Nonprofit and Cooperative Operation. The Cooperative:
- shall operate on a nonprofit and cooperative basis for the mutual benefit of all Members; and
- may not pay interest or dividends on capital furnished by Patrons.
Section 7.2 - Allocating Capital Credits. The Cooperative shall allocate “Capital Credits” as provided in this Bylaw. The Cooperative must allocate Capital Credits in a Patron's name as shown in the Cooperative's records, regardless of the Patron's marital status.
- Patron. The term "Patron" means, during a fiscal year:
- a Member; and
- any other Person Using a Cooperative Service to whom the Cooperative is obligated to allocate Capital Credits, which obligation existed before the Cooperative received payment for the Cooperative Service.
- Allocating Earnings. For each Cooperative Service Provided during a fiscal year, the Cooperative shall equitably allocate to each Patron, in proportion to the quantity or value of the Cooperative Service Used by the Patron during the fiscal year, the Cooperative's operating earnings from Providing the Cooperative Service during the fiscal year. Operating earnings mean the amount by which the Cooperative's operating revenues from Providing a Cooperative Service exceed the Cooperative's operating expenses of Providing the Cooperative Service, all as determined under federal cooperative tax law. For each fiscal year, the Cooperative shall allocate to each Patron, in proportion to the quantity or value of Cooperative Services Used by the Patron during the fiscal year, the Cooperative's non-operating earnings as determined by the Board, use, retain, or equitably allocate the Cooperative's non-operating earnings. Non-operating earnings mean the amount by which the Cooperative's non-operating revenues during a fiscal year exceed the Cooperative's non-operating expenses during the fiscal year, less any amount needed to offset an operating loss.
- Allocating Losses. For each Cooperative Service Provided during a fiscal year, the Cooperative shall:
- equitably allocate to each Patron, in proportion to the quantity or value of the Cooperative Service Used by the Patron during the fiscal year, the Cooperative's operating loss from Providing the Cooperative Service during the fiscal year; or
- offset the Cooperative's operating loss from Providing the Cooperative Service during the fiscal year:
- against the Cooperative's operating earnings from providing the Cooperative Service during the most recent past fiscal year(s) or the next succeeding future fiscal year(s); or
- first against the Cooperative's non-operating earnings during the current fiscal year, second against the Cooperative's unallocated non-operating earnings during any past
fiscal year(s), and third against the Cooperative's non-operating earnings during any future fiscal year(s). Operating loss means the amount by which the Cooperative's operating expenses of Providing a Cooperative Service during a fiscal year exceed the Cooperative's operating revenues from Providing the Cooperative Service during the fiscal year, all as determined under federal cooperative tax law. For each fiscal year, the Cooperative shall:
- allocate to each Patron, in proportion to the quantity or value of Cooperative Services Used by the Patron during the fiscal year, the Cooperative's non-operating loss; or
- offset the Cooperative's non-operating loss against the Cooperative's non-operating earnings during any fiscal year(s). Non-operating loss means the amount by which the Cooperative's non-operating expenses during a fiscal year exceed the Cooperative's non-operating revenues during the fiscal year.
- Capital Credits. For each amount allocated to a Patron, the Patron shall contribute a corresponding amount to the Cooperative as capital. The Cooperative must credit all capital contributions from a Patron to a capital account for the Patron. The Cooperative shall maintain books and records reflecting the capital contributed by each Patron. At the time of receipt by the Cooperative, each capital contribution is treated as though the Cooperative paid the amount allocated to the Patron in cash pursuant to a preexisting legal obligation and the Patron contributed the corresponding amount to the Cooperative as capital. The term "Capital Credits" means the amounts allocated to a Patron and contributed by the Patron to the Cooperative as capital. Consistent with this Bylaw, the allocation of Capital Credits is in the discretion of the Board and the Board must determine the manner, method, and timing of allocating Capital Credits. The Cooperative may use or invest unretired Capital Credits as determined by the Board.
To secure a Patron's obligation to pay amounts owed to the Cooperative, including any compounded interest and late payment fee, and in return for the Cooperative providing a Cooperative Service to the Patron, the Cooperative has a security interest in Capital Credits allocated to the Patron. The Patron authorizes the Cooperative to perfect this security interest by filing a financing statement.
- Different and Separate Allocations. As may be reasonable, the Cooperative may allocate Capital Credits to classes of similarly situated Patrons in different manners, methods, and timing, provided the Cooperative allocates Capital Credits to similarly situated Patrons in the same manner, method, and timing. If the Cooperative is a member, patron, or owner of an Entity from which the Cooperative Uses a good or service in Providing a Cooperative Service and from which the Cooperative is allocated a capital credit or similar amount, then, as determined by the Board and consistent with this Bylaw, the Cooperative may separately identify and allocate to the Cooperative's Patrons this capital credit or similar amount allocated by the Entity.
- Joint Memberships. Upon receiving written notice and sufficient proof of the termination, conversion, or alteration of a Joint Membership:
- through the death of a Joint Member, the Cooperative shall assign and transfer to each surviving Joint Member an equal portion of Capital Credits allocated, or to be allocated, to the Joint Membership; or
- other than through the death of a Joint Member, and except as otherwise provided by a court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction, and except as otherwise provided by the Joint Members, the Cooperative shall assign and transfer to each Joint Member an equal portion of Capital Credits allocated, or to be allocated, to the Joint Membership.
Section 7.3 - Notification and Assignment of Capital Credits. Within a reasonable time after the end of each fiscal year, the Cooperative shall notify each Patron in writing of the dollar amount of Capital Credits allocated to the Patron for the preceding fiscal year. Except as otherwise provided by the Board or these Bylaws, to assign or transfer a Patron's Capital Credits:
- the Cooperative must receive a written request signed by the Patron to assign or transfer the Capital Credits;
- the Patron and the assignee or transferee must comply with all reasonable requirements specified by the Cooperative; and
- the Board must approve the assignment or transfer.
Section 7.4 - Retiring Capital Credits. The Cooperative may retire and pay Capital Credits allocated to Patrons and former Patrons as provided in this Bylaw. If the Cooperative retires and pays Capital Credits, then the Cooperative must retire and pay Capital Credits in a Patron's name as shown in the Cooperative's records, regardless of the Patron's marital status.
- General Capital Credit Retirements. At any time before the Cooperative's dissolution, liquidation, or other cessation of existence, the cooperative may generally retire and pay some or all Capital Credits allocated to Patrons and former Patrons.
- Special Capital Credit Retirements. The Cooperative may specially retire and pay some or all Capital Credits allocated to an individual Patron or former Patron:
- after the death of the individual;
- after receiving a written request from the deceased individual's legal representative; and
- according to the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Cooperative and the deceased individual's legal representative.
- Capital Credit Recoupment and Offset. Regardless of a statute of limitation or other time limitation, after retiring Capital Credits allocated to a Patron or former Patron, the Cooperative may recoup, offset, or setoff an amount owed to the Cooperative by the Patron or former Patron, including any compounded interest and late payment fee, by reducing the allocated amount of retired Capital Credits paid to the Patron or former Patron by the amount owed to the Cooperative.
- Capital Credit Retirement Discretion. The Cooperative may retire and pay Capital Credits only if the Board determines that the retirement and payment will not adversely impact the Cooperative's financial condition. Consistent with this Bylaw, the retirement and payment of Capital Credits are in the sole discretion of the Board and are not affected by previous retirements and payments. The manner, method, and timing of retiring and paying Capital Credits may be determined only by the Board.
- Different and Separate Capital Credit Retirements. As reasonable and fair, the Cooperative may retire and pay Capital Credits to classes of similarly situated Patrons and former Patrons under different manners, methods, and timing, provided the Cooperative retires and pays Capital Credits to similarly situated Patrons and former Patrons under the same manner, method, and timing. If the Cooperative separately identified and allocated Capital Credits representing capital credits or similar amounts allocated to the Cooperative by an Entity in which the Cooperative is or was a member, patron, or owner, then the Cooperative may retire and pay these Capital Credits before or after the Entity retires and pays the capital credits or similar amounts to the Cooperative.
- Discounted Capital Credit Payments. As determined by the Board, before the time the Cooperative anticipates normally retiring and paying Capital Credits, the Cooperative may retire some or all Capital Credits of a deceased Patron and pay the net present value of the retired Capital Credits. If the Cooperative retires and pays the net present value of Capital Credits to a Patron or former Patron before the time the Cooperative anticipates normally retiring and paying the Capital Credits, then the amount of Capital Credits not paid must be used or retained as permanent, unallocated equity.
Section 7.5 - Patron Agreement. Each Patron and former Patron agrees that:
- Capital Credits are not securities under state or federal Law;
- the Patron's right to Capital Credits vests, accrues, becomes redeemable, and becomes payable only upon the Cooperative retiring the Capital Credits as provided in these Bylaws, and not upon the Cooperative allocating the Capital Credits; and
- as required by Law, each Patron will:
- report to the appropriate Entity all allocated or retired Capital Credits; and
- pay the appropriate Entity any tax or similar amount on allocated or retired Capital Credits.
Section 7.6 - Non-Member Patrons and Non-Member Non-Patrons. As a condition of Using a Cooperative Service, and except as otherwise provided by the Board:
- to the same extent as a Member, a Patron who is not a Member ("Non-Member Patron") and a Person Using a Cooperative Service who is not a Member or Patron ("Non-Member Non- Patron") must abide by and be bound to the duties, obligations, liabilities, and responsibilities imposed by the Governing Documents upon Members;
- a Non-Member Patron or Non-Member former Patron has none of the rights granted by the Governing Documents to Members, other than the rights to:
- be allocated Capital Credits; and
- be paid retired Capital Credits; and
- a Non-Member Non-Patron has none of the rights granted by the Governing Documents to Members.
Section 7.7 - Reasonable Reserves. Regardless of a contrary Bylaw, and to meet the Cooperative's reasonable needs, the Cooperative may accumulate and retain amounts exceeding those needed to meet current losses and expenses ("Reasonable Reserves"). The Cooperative must keep records necessary to determine, at any time, each Member's rights and interest in Reasonable Reserves.
Section 8.1 - Transfer of Cooperative Assets. Except for a sale, lease, exchange, disposition, conversion, or other transfer ("Transfer") of Cooperative Assets:
- to secure indebtedness;
- pursuant to condemnation or threat of condemnation;
- pursuant to an existing legal obligation;
- associated with a Consolidation or Merger;
- consisting of the Cooperative's ownership in an Entity;
- to an Entity operating on a cooperative basis and Providing electric energy, or
- to a Cooperative Subsidiary,
the Cooperative may Transfer during a twelve (12) month period, all or substantially all of the Cooperative's Assets only if:
- at the expense of the Person seeking to purchase, lease, or acquire the Cooperative's Assets, the Board appoints three (3) independent appraisers, each of whom, within a reasonable time of appointment, evaluates and renders an appraisal valuing the Cooperative's Assets specified in the proposed Transfer ("Appraisal'');
- the Person seeking to purchase, lease, or acquire the Cooperative's Assets provides to the Cooperative any information requested by the Cooperative,
- within a reasonable time of receiving the Appraisals, the Cooperative invites any other Entity operating on a cooperative basis, Providing electric energy, and primarily located within the same state as, or within a state adjacent to, the state in which the Cooperative is primarily located to submit proposals to purchase, lease, or acquire the Cooperative's Assets specified in the proposed Transfer, or to Merge or Consolidate with the Cooperative;
- the Board approves the proposed Transfer;
- other than by Member Written Consent or Mail Ballot, at least a majority of the Total Membership approves the proposed Transfer;
- notice of a Member Meeting at which Members will consider the proposed Transfer states that one of the purposes of the Member Meeting is to consider the Transfer, and includes a copy or summary of the proposed Transfer; and
- in proportion to the value or quantity of Cooperative Services Used by Members during the period in which the Cooperative owned a Cooperative Asset, the Cooperative allocates to Members as Capital Credits any consideration received for the Cooperative's Assets that exceeds the amount paid for the Cooperative Assets.
A Transfer must be authorized at a meeting of the Members by the affirmative vote of not less than two- thirds (2/3) of all of the Members of the Cooperative.
Except as otherwise provided by the Members, after the Members approve a Transfer, the Board may abandon the Transfer. To secure indebtedness by the Cooperative or a Cooperative Subsidiary, the Board may Transfer, mortgage, pledge, dedicate to repayment, or encumber any Cooperative Asset. As used in this Bylaw, a Transfer includes the conversion of the Cooperative to another form of business.
Section 8.2 - Merger or Consolidation. The Cooperative may consolidate or merge only with an Entity operating on a cooperative basis that Provides electric energy ("Consolidate” or “Merge"). To Consolidate or Merge, the Cooperative must comply with this Bylaw.
- Board Approval. To Consolidate or Merge, the Board must approve an agreement or plan to Consolidate or Merge ("Consolidation Agreement” or “Merger Agreement") stating the:
- terms and conditions of the Consolidation or Merger;
- name of each Entity Consolidating or Merging with the Cooperative;
- name of the new or surviving Consolidated or Merged Entity ("New Entity");
- manner and basis, if any, of converting memberships or ownership rights of each Consolidating or Merging Entity into memberships or ownership rights of, or payments from, the New Entity;
- number of directors of the New Entity, which must equal or exceed three (3);
- date of the New Entity's annual meeting;
- names of New Entity directors who will serve until the New Entity's first annual meeting; and
- other information required by Law.
- Member Approval. To Consolidate or Merge, after the Board approves a Consolidation or Merger Agreement, a majority of the Members voting by Electronic Ballot or Mail Ballot, must approve the Consolidation or Merger Agreement.
- Notice. The Cooperative shall notify Directors of a Board Meeting, and Members of a Member Meeting, at which Directors or Members may consider a Consolidation or Merger Agreement. This notice must contain, or be accompanied by, a summary or copy of the Consolidation or Merger Agreement and the New Entity's articles of incorporation and bylaws and any provision which would require Director or Member approval if contained in a proposed Articles or Bylaws Amendment.
- Other Requirements. The New Entity directors named in the Consolidation or Merger Agreement must sign and file articles of Consolidation or Merger in a manner, and stating the information, required by Law. The Cooperative shall comply with all other requirements for Consolidation or Merger specified by Law. After a Consolidation or Merger Agreement is approved, and before articles of Consolidation or Merger are filed, the Board or Members may abandon the Consolidation or Merger.
Section 8.3 - Distribution of Cooperative Assets Upon Dissolution. Upon dissolution, after:
- all debts and liabilities of the Cooperative shall have been paid; and
- all capital furnished through patronage shall have been returned as provided in these Bylaws, the remaining property and assets of the Corporation shall be distributed among the members and former members in the proportion which the aggregate patronage of each bears to the total patronage of all such members unless otherwise provided by law.
Section 9.1 - Electronic Documents. If a Member or Director owns, controls, or has reasonable access to the applicable or necessary hardware and software, then, regardless of a contrary Bylaw, as determined by the Board, and as allowed by Law:
- the Member or Director consents and agrees to:
- use, accept, send, and receive an electronic signature, contract, record, notice, vote, communication, and other document regarding a transaction, business, or activity with, for, or involving the Cooperative ("Electronic Document");
- electronically conduct an action, transaction, business, or activity with, for, or involving the Cooperative; and
- electronically give or confirm this consent and agreement; and
- an Electronic Document sent to or received from the Member or Director satisfies a requirement imposed by the Governing Documents that the underlying signature, contract, record, notice, vote, communication, or other document be in writing;
- electronically sending an Electronic Document to, or receiving an Electronic Document from, the Member or Director satisfies a requirement imposed by the Governing Documents that the underlying signature, contract, record, notice, vote, communication, or other document be sent or received personally or by mail; and
- the Member or Director electronically taking an action provided in these Bylaws satisfies a requirement imposed by the Governing Documents regarding the form or manner of taking the action. An Electronic Document electronically sent to a Member or Director or former Member at the Member or Director or former Member's last known electronic address is considered sent and received on the date sent by the Cooperative. An Electronic Document electronically received from a Member or Director or former Member is considered sent and received on the date received by the Cooperative.
Section 9.2 - Bylaw Amendment. These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed (“Amended”) by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3rd) of the total number of directors, at any regular or special Board meeting, but only if the notice of such meeting shall have contained a copy of the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal or an accurate summary explanation thereof.
Except as otherwise provided in a Bylaw Amendment, the Amendment is effective immediately after the vote approving the Amendment. The Cooperative must notify Members of Amended Bylaws.
Section 9.3 - Rules of Order. Except as otherwise provided by the Board at any time, and except as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents, the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order governs all:
- Member Meetings;
- Board Meetings;
- Member Committee meetings; and
- Board Committee meetings.
Section 9.4 - Fiscal Year. The Board may determine and modify the Cooperative's fiscal year. Except as otherwise provided by the Board, the Cooperative's fiscal year is the calendar year.
Section 9.5 - Notice. In these Bylaws:
- Notice and Communication Type. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, notice may be:
- oral or written or Electronic; and
- communicated:
- in person;
- by telephone, facsimile, electronic communication or transmission, or other form of wire or wireless communication;
- by mail or private carrier; or
- if the above-listed forms of communicating notice are impractical, then by newspaper of general circulation in the area where published, or radio, television, or other form of public broadcast communication.
- Magazine Notice. If addressed or delivered or transmitted to an address shown in the Membership List or Cooperative records, then a written or electronic notice or report delivered as part of a newsletter, magazine, or other publication regularly sent to Members constitutes a written notice or report to all Members:
- residing at the address; or
- having the same address shown in the Membership List.
- Notice Effective Date. If communicated in a comprehensible manner, then except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws:
- oral notice is effective when communicated; and
- written notice is effective upon the earliest of:
- when received;
- with the postmark evidencing deposit in the United States Mail, if correctly addressed and mailed with first class postage affixed, then five (5) days after deposit in the United States Mail, or if correctly addressed and mailed with other than first class, registered, or certified postage affixed, then thirty (30) days after deposit in the United States Mail; or
- if sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and if the return receipt is signed by, or on behalf of, the addressee, then on the date indicated on the return receipt. Written notice is correctly addressed to a Member if addressed to the Member's address shown in the Membership List.
Section 9.6 - Governing Law. These Bylaws must be governed by, and interpreted under, the laws of the state in which the Cooperative is incorporated.
Section 9.7 - Titles and Headings. Titles and headings of Bylaw articles, sections, and subsections are for convenience and reference and do not affect the interpretation of a Bylaw article, section, or subsection.
Section 9.8 - Partial Invalidity. When reasonably possible, every Bylaw article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision (collectively, "Bylaw Provision") must be interpreted in a manner by which the Bylaw Provision is valid. The invalidation of a Bylaw Provision by an Entity possessing proper jurisdiction and authority, which invalidation does not alter the fundamental rights, duties, and relationship between the Cooperative and Members, does not invalidate the remaining Bylaw Provisions.
Section 9.9 - Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies provided in these Bylaws are cumulative. The Cooperative or a Member asserting a right or remedy provided in these Bylaws does not preclude the Cooperative or Member from asserting other rights or remedies provided in these Bylaws.
Section 9.10 - Entire Agreement. Between the Cooperative and a Member, the Governing Documents:
- constitute the entire agreement; and
- supersede and replace a prior or contemporaneous oral or written communication or representation.
Section 9.11 - Successors and Assigns. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws:
- the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed upon, and the rights granted to, the Cooperative by these Bylaws are binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the Cooperative's successors and assigns; and
- the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed upon a Member by these Bylaws are binding upon the Member's successors and assigns. The binding nature of the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed by these Bylaws upon the successors and assigns of the Cooperative or a Member does not relieve the Cooperative or Member of the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed by these Bylaws.
Section 9.12 - Waiver. The failure of the Cooperative or a Member to assert a right or remedy provided in these Bylaws does not waive the right or remedy provided in these Bylaws.
Section 9.13 - Lack of Notice. The failure of a Member or Director to receive notice of a Meeting, action, or vote does not affect, or invalidate, an action or vote taken by the Members or Board.
G101 – Qualifications for Eligibility to Serve on the Board of Directors
Effective Date: July 12, 2007
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to publish the qualifications for election or appointment to, and service on, the Cooperative’s Board of Directors and to establish necessary procedures.
II. Policy Content
Certain qualifications are required by law, the Cooperative’s Bylaws, and the generally accepted standards of good corporate governance. An incumbent Director, nominee, or potential appointee to the Board of Directors must be aware of these requirements and standards in order to become or remain a Director of the Cooperative. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that those qualifications are met. If the Board of Directors should determine that an incumbent Director, nominee, or potential appointee to the Board of Directors lacks or has lost any of the necessary qualifications, it is the duty of the Board of Directors to remove such incumbent or to declare such nominee or potential appointee ineligible for election or appointment.
III. Provisions
A. General Requirements
Any person, to become and remain a Director of the Cooperative, shall:
- Comply with applicable requirements of law, the Cooperative’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Cooperative’s duly adopted policies, and the Cooperative’s duly made decisions;
- Assume a fiduciary duty to act, in good faith, in the best interests of the Cooperative and its members;
- Be loyal to the Cooperative and not have conflicting commercial or personal interests;
- Have or be willing to secure within one calendar year, literacies in the areas of director duties and responsibilities, the electric business, board roles and relationships, strategic planning, financial decision-making, utility ratemaking, capital credits and corporate governance to direct the affairs of the Cooperative;
- Be willing to devote such time and effort to the duties of a Director as may be necessary to direct the Cooperative’s affairs;
- Be able to represent the entire membership on an impartial basis;
- Be willing and able to attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Board of Directors; national, state, and other meetings of organizations with associated interests that further the Cooperative movement; training institutes or seminars which will aid in keeping him/her well informed on matters affecting the Cooperative; and
- Not use, or cause to be used, his/her position as Director to further any political, personal or business ambition.
B. Service as a Director includes the following responsibilities:
- To put forth effort to understand the Cooperative’s challenges and to provide the judgment needed to reach decisions in constantly changing circumstances.
- To support all official decisions and actions made or taken by a majority of the Board.
- To conscientiously study the information contained in reports submitted to the Board.
- To contribute to the development of statements on functions and responsibilities of Board members and to work toward their constant improvement.
- To objectively evaluate and consider the questions and problems with which the Cooperative is faced.
- To keep informed as to the ideals and objectives of the Cooperative and to further study and analyze the policies, plans, and problems which result from efforts to achieve such ideals and objectives.
- To keep informed on, alert to, and aware of the attitudes of the members, and general public toward the Cooperative’s objectives and policies.
- To inform all interested persons about the Cooperative’s ideals, objectives, programs, and services.
- To conduct himself/herself in the eyes of the general public in such a manner as will reflect credit to the Cooperative and personify the position of trust held by the Director, including refraining from such conduct which would subject the Director to indictment for a felony or crime of moral turpitude or from conduct representing disregard of the standard of behavior which the members can rightfully expect from a Director.
C. Requirements
Refer to the Bylaws for eligibility requirements.
D. Procedure for Policy Implementation
This policy shall be implemented as follows:
- It shall be disseminated and explained to the Board Certification Committee each year, before it certifies nominations from the District Nominating Meetings or nominations by petition. The committee shall screen all persons considered for nomination as Directors to ensure that they are qualified in accordance with this policy.
- After receipt of any nomination from the District Nominating Meeting or by petition, the Cooperative shall furnish the nominee with a copy of this policy, a Nominee Certification Form, and a questionnaire, to ensure that the nominee is qualified in accordance with this policy and accepts the nomination.
- The Board of Directors, in filling any vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors, shall ensure that a proposed Director is qualified to be appointed and is apprised of this policy before appointment.
- All persons nominated or being considered for appointment as Directors shall, prior to election or appointment, read this policy and execute the Qualifications to Serve as a Director Questionnaire and Nominee Certification Form which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
IV. Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible for the enforcement of this policy.
G102 – Directors Oath of Office
Effective Date: May 10, 2007
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
To establish a procedure by which each Director shall affirm that he/she will perform his/her duties in accordance with the governing documents and the Seven Cooperative Principles.
II. Policy Content
The oath of office set forth in Section III below shall be administered by the CEO or other Board designee to each Director annually at the Organizational Meeting in October for the purpose of formalizing the Director’s assumption of his/her duties as a Director.
III. Provisions
Oath of Office
“As a Director of Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc., I shall act with the primary objective of furnishing the Cooperative’s members with electric and other services of the highest and most dependable quality, at the most favorable cost possible, consistent with sound business principles and nonprofit operation; I shall protect and preserve the Cooperative and I pledge to conduct my affairs and business life in a manner consistent with the best interest of the Cooperative.”
IV. Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible for the administration of this policy.
G103 – Standards of Conduct
Effective Date: May 10, 2007
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
To establish the standards, rules, and procedures under which the Board members shall perform their duties.
II. Policy Content
All powers of the Cooperative may be exercised by the Board of Directors except as conferred upon the members by law, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Cooperative’s Bylaws. This policy establishes certain standards under which such powers will be exercised in the best interests of the Cooperative.
III. Provisions
A. General Conduct of Board Members
Board members should conduct themselves, personally and professionally, in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards, and shall abide by the Code of Ethics Pledge. A copy of the pledge is attached to this policy as “Attachment A”.
B. Conduct with Respect to Fellow Board Members
Regardless of the personal relations or differences between Board members, they should respect each other in the following ways:
- Each Board member should allow ample opportunity for every other Board member to speak on any matter being considered by the Board of Directors and listen carefully to the opinions and factual observations of the other Board members.
- Except when in the best interest of the Cooperative, no Board member should reveal differences of position among Board members on matters considered and acted upon by the Board of Directors except to other Board members or the CEO. This standard applies to informal as well as formal communications.
C. Board Member Access to Cooperative Information
Any Board member is entitled to have access to information of the Cooperative which: (1) is germane to his/her standing as a Board member; (2) is directly related to, and appropriate information for, a pending issue within the Board's jurisdiction; and (3) is requested for a proper purpose
Access to Cooperative information is subject to the following conditions:
- All requests for such information shall be made to the CEO. In no case shall such information be sought by a Board member through other employees, agents, or independent contractors. However, if the CEO is involved in actual or potential criminal activity and information is being sought concerning the same, the Board of Directors may seek or engage the services of legal counsel to determine how to proceed.
- Information received by a Board member pursuant to this policy shall not be revealed publicly or released to unauthorized persons, unless expressly authorized by vote of the Board, or otherwise required by law.
- A Board member shall not disclose information received pursuant to this policy if the effect of such disclosure is to damage the Cooperative or the public’s perception of the Cooperative.
D. Loyalty to the Cooperative
Board members owes a duty of loyalty to the Cooperative and shall, therefore, abide by Board decisions. Debate and differences of opinion are inevitable when reaching a consensus; however, such differences shall remain within the board room. Board members shall keep such differences confidential unless compelling circumstances require membership assistance or court intervention in Board action. However, nothing herein shall limit a Board member from exercising the right to file with the Board's official Minutes an appropriate written dissent on any matter deliberated or decided by the Board.
E. Good Faith and Fair Dealing
Every Board member shall act in good faith and fair dealing with every other Board member and the CEO in all matters relating to Cooperative business. Good faith and fair dealing require that:
- Board members reveal all information or interests which they may have that may bear upon action being considered by the Board of Directors or the CEO.
- Board members will not pursue a position, inquiry, recommendation, or motion for the purpose of harassing or annoying other Board members or the CEO.
- Board members’ direct communications with employees other than the CEO, if made at all, shall be only on matters of a personal nature or related to their roles as a member of the Cooperative. Communications with employees shall not be for the purpose of influencing any employee’s position or attitude concerning Cooperative-related activities or seeking Cooperative information. Directors shall report to the CEO any employee who solicits information that is not of a personal nature or related to the Director’s role as a member of the Cooperative; employees shall report to the CEO any Director seeking information that is not of a personal nature or related to their role as a member of the Cooperative. Questions regarding the appropriateness of potential communications between Directors and employees should be directed to the CEO.
IV. Responsibility
This policy shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors, except as otherwise provided for herein by the CEO or Legal Counsel.
This pledge is to be read annually at the Organizational Meeting in October by Medina Electric Cooperative (MEC)’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with each Board member signing said pledge. The original is to be placed in each Director’s file with a copy given to said Director.
As a member of the MEC Board, I will:
• listen carefully to other Board members, and those served by MEC.
• respect the opinion of other Board members.
• respect and support the majority decisions of the Board.
• recognize that all authority is vested in the Board when it meets in legal session and not with individual Board members.
• keep well-informed of developments that are relevant to issues that may come before the Board.
• participate actively in Board meetings and actions.
• call to the attention of the Board any issues that I believe will have an adverse effect on MEC or those we serve.
• attempt to interpret the needs of the members of MEC and interpret the action of MEC to its members.
• refer member or staff complaints to the proper level on the chain of command.
• recognize that the Board member's job is to ensure that MEC is well managed, not to manage MEC.
• vote to hire the best possible person to manage MEC.
• represent all members of MEC and not a particular geographic area or special interest groups.
• consider myself a "trustee" of MEC and do my best to ensure that MEC is well maintained, financially secure, and operating in the best interests of members.
• work to learn more about the Board member's job and how to do it better.
• declare any conflict of interests between my personal life and my position on the MEC Board, and avoid voting on issues that appear to be a conflict of interest.
As a member of the MEC Board I will not:
• be critical, in or outside of the Board meeting, of other Board members or their opinions.
• use MEC or any part of MEC for my personal advantage or the personal advantage of my friends or relatives.
• discuss the confidential proceedings of the Board outside the Board meeting.
• promise prior to a meeting how I will vote on any issue in the meeting.
• interfere with duties of the CEO or undermine the CEO's authority.
G105 – Conflict of Interest
Effective Date: July 12, 2007
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
A. To provide general guidance to Board members in the performance of their duties and responsibilities for the Cooperative.
B. To assure the high standards of integrity, impartiality, and conduct necessary for maintaining public confidence in the operations of the Cooperative.
C. To assure compliance with the policies of the Cooperative and standards specified in the Bylaws of the Cooperative relating to a Board member’s business and financial interest.
II. Policy Content
Board members must avoid activities that create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
III. Conflict of Interest – General Provisions
A “conflict of interest” exists when a Board member has a personal interest in a matter of such a nature and magnitude that a conflict exists between the personal interest and the Cooperative’s interest that could potentially cause an inability to exercise independent and objective judgment on the matter. “Personal interests” may not technically involve the Board member but may involve relatives, business associates, or other individuals or organizations with which he/she is closely associated.
The following statements will guide the members of the Board of Directors in the management of the affairs of the Cooperative.
A. Use of Office
They shall not use their respective offices for private gain for themselves or for other individuals or organizations with which they are associated.
B. Use of Information
They shall not use inside information for private gain, either by direct action or by counsel, recommendations, or suggestions to other individuals or organizations with which they are associated.
C. Gain from Beneficiary Organizations
They shall not receive or solicit from beneficiary organizations, related organizations, or other individuals having business with the Cooperative, anything of significant value as a gift, loan, favor, or gratuity for themselves or any other individuals or organizations with which they are associated.
D. Decisions Which Pose a Conflict of Interest
They shall make full disclosure to the Board of Directors of any facts indicating a conflict of interest. They shall disqualify themselves from voting on a decision posing a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. They may request a legal opinion before taking such action.
E. Business Ethics
- Directors must not, in any way, be employed by or financially interested in an enterprise which is in competition with the Cooperative.
- The CEO shall develop a policy on business ethics which will set forth the intent of the Board of Directors with regard to conduct of employees in maintaining high standards of integrity, impartiality, and conduct necessary to maintain member and public confidence in the Cooperative.
IV. Conflicts Regarding Outside Business Activities
A. A Director’s outside activities must not create a conflict of interest with the Director’s responsibilities to the Cooperative.
B. Directors are expected to exercise discretion and good judgment in determining whether ethics and/or conflict of interest issues arise as a result of their non‑Cooperative business activities. Whenever there is any question as to a possible conflict, Directors should submit details of proposed non-Cooperative business activities to the Board for its approval before becoming involved in the activity.
V. Conflicts Regarding Relationships with Vendors
A. Outside Business Interests
Possible conflicts of interest relating to a Director’s outside business interests include, but are not limited to:
- Ownership, including ownership of stock, in whole or in part, either directly or through a relative or agent, of vendor companies;
- Relatives employed by or owning vendor companies. (The nature of the relationship between individuals and the position of the relative with the vendor company can influence the extent of any possible conflict of interest.);
- Direct employment or retention as a consultant by any vendor company; and
- Officerships and directorates in vendor companies. (Officerships or directorates in national, state-wide, material supply, or service cooperatives are excluded.)
B. Directors or Former Directors as Vendors or Subcontractors
Purchase orders and subcontracts may not be awarded to a Director or to a partnership or corporation in which a Director is a principal or major stockholder, unless there has been full disclosure and the interested Director does not vote on the decision.
C. Gifts, Favors, and Entertainment
It is the policy of the Cooperative that gifts, favors, and excessive entertainment has no place in the conduct of business and should be discouraged. Accordingly, Directors are expected to:
- Adopt the Cooperative policy as their own and make this policy known by their actions, communications, and deeds; and
- Courteously decline or return any excessive gift, favor, or offer of entertainment. It is recognized that it is common trade practice to offer advertising novelties of insignificant value (pencils, pens, coffee mugs, and the like). These advertising novelties are acceptable. Whether or not an item can be considered an advertising novelty depends on the degree of prominence in which the vendor’s name or trademark is displayed and the value of the item. Tickets for baseball, basketball, and football games and all other forms of entertainment may be accepted, if not excessive. A perishable gift, if it is excessive, may be contributed to a charitable organization in the name of the supplier. The supplier should receive written notification of the donation.
D. Business Meals
Business oriented luncheon and dinner engagements with suppliers are allowed as long as the Director does not feel obligated to the supplier as a result.
E. Financial Dealings with Suppliers
Directors must avoid any financial dealings, direct or indirect, with suppliers or their representatives including, but not limited to:
- Loans;
- Gambling or participating in contests;
- Investment in supplier companies;
- Use of real or personal property of a vendor, vendor’s employee, or vendor’s representative; and
- Business or investment dealings with a vendor, vendor’s employee, or vendor’s representative, such as joint ownership of investment real estate, joint ownership of other companies, and so forth.
F. Trips to Vendor Facilities
Suppliers should not be permitted to pay for hotel and travel expenses of Directors.
V. Responsibility
The CEO shall provide assistance to the Board of Directors to assure compliance with this policy. The CEO shall also develop and enforce an appropriate management policy relating to conflicts of interest of employees.
B. Legal Counsel
Legal Counsel engaged by the Cooperative or the Board shall advise individual Board members and/or the Board of Directors regarding compliance with this policy but shall not represent individual Board members.
C. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall review compliance with this policy and counsel with any Board member as the situation may require. The Board of Directors shall assure, to the extent possible, that the Cooperative is not damaged or compromised because of the existence of a conflict of interest on the part of Board members.
G108 – Functions of the Board of Directors
Effective Date: May 10, 2007
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
- Establish, clarify, and interpret the responsibilities and authorities of the Board of Directors as set forth by law, the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, and accepted business principles.
- Provide guidance to individual Directors in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
- Provide guidance to the member-owners in the selection of Directors.
II. Policy Content
The Board of Directors derives its authority from, and is directly accountable to, the member-owners of the Cooperative. The Board of Directors is empowered by them and required by law to institute such actions as are necessary to attain the objectives of the Cooperative by the protection of its rights, interests, and assets, except such actions which by law, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Bylaws are conferred upon or reserved to the members. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative to use the following outline of relationships and responsibilities as guidelines for action and behavior as individual and collective members of the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities and obligations to the member-owners of the Cooperatives.
III. Provisions
The following provisions apply to this policy:
A. Relationships
- The Board of Directors reports to:
a. As individuals – the President as the chief presiding officer, or, in his/her absence, the Vice-President.
b. As a Board – the member-owners; and
- The Board of Directors directs:
a. The CEO.
b. All committees of the Board of Directors; and
B. Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. Maintain the legal entity of the Cooperative by:
a. Complying with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and regulatory and contractual requirements placed upon the Cooperative by, but not limited to, federal, state, and local statutes and ordinances, and the regulations of federal, state, and local commissions and agencies;
b. Revising the Cooperative’s Bylaws as necessary or required;
c. Executing, or having executed, all necessary legal contracts; and
d. Designating individuals authorized to sign checks, drafts, etc. as necessary in accordance with the Bylaws.
2. Act as trustee for the member-owners by:
a. Protecting the assets and interests of the Cooperative;
b. Complying fully with the provisions of the Bylaws and policies;
c. Assisting new members of the Board of Directors to become oriented in their responsibilities;
d. Maintaining or having maintained full and accurate minutes of official Board of Directors and membership meetings;
e. Informing or having the members informed of the objectives, plans, and programs of the Cooperative;
f. Participating in activities which enhance the prestige of the Cooperative and help to fulfill its corporate obligation to the area it serves; and
g. Keeping informed and improving their knowledge and skills as members of the Board of Directors and using their knowledge and skills to contribute to the effective oversight of the Cooperative.
3. Provide organization and operational direction by:
a. Formulating, approving, and periodically reviewing governance policies for the operation of the Cooperative; and
b. Selecting a CEO and delegating to him/her the responsibility and authority for the operation of the Cooperative within the limits of the governance policies established by the Board of Directors.
i. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for seeing that the performance of the CEO is appraised in September of each year so that all Board members participating in the appraisal will have had as close to a full year of interacting with and observing the CEO’s performance as possible. Procedures for performing the appraisal will be provided to Board members at the July Board meeting. The appraisal shall include a recommendation on a salary adjustment when appropriate. The results of the appraisal will be discussed with the CEO by the entire board.
ii. Succession planning in the event of the retirement/resignation or sudden loss of the CEO shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors in accordance with the CEO Succession Planning Policy.
4. Consider and adopt or approve in consultation with the CEO:
a. Retail rates and classifications;
b. Terms and conditions governing the provisions of electrical service to members
c. Plans for meetings of members;
d. Basic organization structure and wage and salary plan;
e. Employee benefit program;
f. Selection of legal, accounting, and other consultants who report directly to the board;
g. Long and short range financial and engineering plans as required and necessary for the maintenance of the economic feasibility of the Cooperative;
h. Annual work plans and operating budget; and
i. Plans for investment decisions or partnering in joint ventures with others to provide other products and services.
5. Provide the continuing operating and capital requirements of the Cooperative by:
a. Considering the results of studies and recommendations prepared by the CEO;
b. Adopting rate changes and financial practices necessary to provide operating requirements; and
c. Initiating loan applications.
6. Establish and periodically review measures and controls as recommended by the CEO to:
a. Prevent unauthorized action;
b. Determine progress in major areas
c. Predict trends;
d. Determine where changes should be made;
e. Measure performance in relation to goals, plans, and budget; and
f. Measure the Board of Directors’ attainment of the stated objectives of the Cooperative.
IV. Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible for the administration of this policy.
G114 – Membership Rights and Privileges of Employees and Directors
Effective Date: July 14, 2010
Revised Date: October 24, 2017
I. Purpose
To identify and clarify the membership rights and privileges, and certain restrictions thereon, available to those individuals who are not only members of the Cooperative but who also serve on the Board of Directors or are employed by the Cooperative.
II. Policy Content
The purpose of the Cooperative is to provide a service to the membership. The Cooperative is governed by a Board of Directors. Each Director agrees to serve the membership if elected. Directors receive reimbursement for expenses and a per diem for time devoted to serving the Cooperative. In order to accomplish its purpose, the Cooperative must employ competent and motivated employees. Employees are compensated for their service through a wage and benefit program. Due to the rural nature of the Cooperative service area, the Cooperative employs a large number of Cooperative members. Individuals are entitled to certain rights and privileges by virtue of membership in the Cooperative. Directors and employees who are members receive compensation for their service and therefore should not receive certain of the membership rights and privileges otherwise generally afforded to the members of the Cooperative. Accordingly, as more particularly described below, certain membership rights and privileges are superseded by the employee or Director relationship and compensation or per diem received from the Cooperative.
Some of the membership rights and privileges generally afforded to the members of the Cooperative include: the ability to attend the annual meeting or vote in the director election; the chance to win door prizes such as merchandise, cash or energy credits offered as part of member meetings; and the opportunity to serve on a member committee. This policy strives to eliminate the appearance of impropriety, potentially awkward situations, and/or misperceptions which could occur if Directors or employees were afforded certain rights and privileges of membership.
III. Provisions
- For the purpose of this policy, immediate family shall be defined as a member’s spouse, child or anyone residing in the member’s household.
- The following membership rights and privileges shall not be available to Cooperative members or their immediate family (as defined above), if such member is also employed by the Cooperative:
- Participation in a member survey or focus group
- Service as an officer of the District Nominating Meeting.
- Service on a member committee)
- The right to receive a door prize (including cash, products or energy credits)
- Future privileges which may be deemed inappropriate by the Board
- The following membership rights and privileges shall be available to Cooperative members and their immediate family (as defined above), regardless of whether such member is also employed by the Cooperative:
- The right to vote at District Nominating Meetings and in the director election
- The right to attend and participate in the annual meeting or district nominating meeting
- The right to register and represent a membership of a member who is not present as the designated voter and receive any door prize or gift awarded to the membership being represented.
- The right to apply for or participate in certain member programs (e.g.: scholarship program, rebate program, Operation Round Up, etc.)
- Other rights as may be deemed appropriate by the Board
- The following membership rights and privileges shall not be available to Cooperative members or their immediate family (as defined above), if such member also serves as a Director of the Cooperative:
- Participation in a member survey or focus group
- Service on a member committee
- The right to receive a door prize (including cash, products or energy credits)
- Future privileges which may be deemed inappropriate by the Board
- The following membership rights and privileges shall be available to Cooperative members and their immediate family (as defined above), regardless of whether such member also serves as a Director of the Cooperative:
- The right to vote at District Nominating Meetings and in the director election
- The right to attend and participate in the annual meeting or district nominating meeting
- The right to register and represent a membership of a member who is not present as the designated voter and receive any door prize or gift awarded to the membership being represented.
- Other rights as may be deemed appropriate by the Board
IV. Responsibility
The Board of Directors and CEO shall be responsible for enforcement of this policy.
G100 - Board Election Campaign Policy
Effective Date: August 25, 2015
Revised Date: January 19, 2017
- Objective
To establish a code of conduct for a candidate standing for election to the Cooperative’s Board of Directors to ensure that the candidate’s campaign for a director position is conducted in a fair, transparent, and democratic manner; to establish limits on director and employee conduct during a Board election.
- Purpose
Electric cooperatives are democratic organizations owned and controlled by their members. Medina Electric Cooperative is a private, not-for-profit corporation, not a governmental entity. The Cooperative’s Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the Cooperative’s business affairs, including the conduct of Board elections.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a code of conduct for incumbent and non-incumbent Board candidates and limitations on the conduct of Cooperative directors and employees in connection with a Board election to: 1) protect the member-owners’ democratic control of the Cooperative; and 2) ensure that candidates do not gain an unfair advantage through bias, manipulation, or undue influence unrelated to the candidate’s qualifications for a position on the Cooperative’s corporate Board.
- Code of Conduct for Director Candidates
- Voting District Nominees. The Cooperative nominates director candidates by voting district. Nominees become candidates for the Board when the certification committee certifies their candidacy. Nominees not certified for the ballot may not engage in campaign activities.
- Signed Acknowledgment Required. A candidate, including incumbent directors standing for election, is required to sign an acknowledgement on a form provided by the Cooperative (Acknowledgement Form) that the candidate understands the structure and governing principles of the Cooperative and agrees to abide by this policy and any other election rules or policies the Cooperative provides. The Acknowledgement Form must be executed and returned to the Cooperative no later than the 7th business day after the date the nominee is notified by the Cooperative that his or her name has been certified by the certification committee. Candidates may not engage in campaign activities until the Acknowledgement form has been received by the Cooperative. The Acknowledgement Form will be posted with the candidate’s election profile on the Cooperative’s website.
- Campaign Communications. A campaign communication is any written, printed, oral, video, digital, or e-mail picture or statement about the candidate’s campaign for director, including pictures or statements posted on a website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram or Google+ or made on or sent through any other medium or social media site existing now or arising during the campaign (“campaign communications or materials”).
- A candidate is prohibited from representing or implying in any campaign communication that the candidate is endorsed by the Cooperative, the Board of Directors, an individual director, or a Cooperative employee.
- A candidate shall not use the Cooperative’s logo or letterhead in any campaign communication.
- A candidate’s campaign communications must be factually accurate and must not misrepresent the positions or actions of the candidate’s opponents, other candidates standing for election, the Cooperative, or the Cooperative’s Board of Directors, management, and employees.
- A candidate is responsible for exercising due diligence to ensure that campaign communications made by or on behalf of the candidate are factually accurate and do not misrepresent the positions or actions of the candidate’s opponents, other candidates standing for election, the Cooperative, or the Cooperative’s Board of Directors, management, and employees.
- A candidate shall not disseminate, publish, or circulate any campaign communication without a disclaimer of the address and name of the candidate or the candidate’s committee responsible for preparing, disseminating, publishing, or circulating the campaign communication. The disclaimer shall read: “Prepared and paid for by [Name and address of candidate or candidate’s committee];”
- A candidate is prohibited from campaigning at or placing campaign posters, signs or other campaign-related materials on the real estate, facilities, or other property owned by the Cooperative, except that:
- during the voting period, which begins on the date the ballots are mailed to the membership and ends three (3) calendar days before the date of the Annual Meeting, a candidate may campaign and a candidate or the candidate’s representatives may place or distribute campaign signs and materials at least 100 feet from any Cooperative office.
- all contact with members shall be courteous and not disruptive to member access to member meetings or Cooperative facilities. A candidate shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her representatives and shall take immediate corrective action if a representative’s conduct violates this requirement.
- a candidate is prohibited from placing any campaign material of any kind on a power pole.
- A candidate is responsible for taking down or removing all campaign posters, signs, and other printed communications within 24 hours after the conclusion of the voting period.
- Candidate Conduct
- A candidate is prohibited from engaging in dishonest or unethical practices or activities or conspiring, soliciting or arranging for any individual, natural or non-natural member, group of members, person, group of persons, business, or other entity to engage in such activities, including:
- Casting more than one ballot per member;
- Altering or tampering with an electronic, digital, or paper ballot provided to a member;
- Distributing a ballot to a member by unauthorized means;
- Threatening, coercing, restraining, or exercising undo influence over the casting of a ballot by a member;
- Threatening, coercing, restraining, or exercising undue influence over an employee of the Cooperative to obtain the employee’s assistance in the candidate’s election campaign;
- Accepting a campaign contribution or other financial assistance from any person, corporation, or other entity that competes directly with the business of the Cooperative;
- Distorting, or otherwise falsifying facts, and using malicious or unfounded accusations that are intended to create or exploit unjustified doubts about the personal integrity of the candidate’s opponent.
- Offering any item of monetary value to a member to induce a member to vote for a particular candidate or on an issue in a particular way; or
- Violating a bylaw or policy prohibiting a director from participating in the administration of an election for directors.
- A candidate is required to abide by any instructions from the Cooperative regarding standards of conduct, and the candidate shall treat his or her opponents, Cooperative members, directors, and employees with courtesy, respect, and professionalism to create an atmosphere free of animosity and bad faith.
- A candidate is prohibited from appealing to negative prejudices based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin or using character defamation, whispering campaigns, libel, slander, or scurrilous attacks on any candidate, the candidate’s personal or family life, any director, or Cooperative employee.
- A candidate is responsible for disclosing to the Cooperative any conflict of interest that arises before or during the election process or that the candidate knows or has reason to know will arise after the election results are certified.
- Campaign Finance Disclosure
- Campaign Contributions Discouraged. To promote the fairness and transparency of the election process and the best interests of the Cooperative, a candidate is encouraged to campaign for a seat on the Cooperative Board without accepting Campaign Contributions
- If a candidate chooses to accept campaign contributions, then the contributions should be de minimis (under $100) in nature and willingly disclosed as required by this policy.
- “Campaign Contribution” means a financial contribution; an in-kind contribution; a gift; a donation; a loan to support the campaign; a promise or pledge to transfer money, goods, or services; paid personal services; or any other type of contribution from an individual, natural or non-natural Cooperative member or group of members, person, group of persons, business, partnership, limited liability company, political party, interest group, union, or any other incorporated or unincorporated entity in or outside the state of Texas.
- In this policy, a non-natural member is a corporation, partnership, Limited Liability Company or any other organized business entity.
- Disclosure of Accepted Contributions. A candidate who chooses to accept Campaign Contributions is required to disclose to the Cooperative membership in the manner required by the Cooperative (Disclosure Report):
- The name and address of the source of the campaign contribution;
- The amount of the contribution or the nature and value of an in-kind contribution;
- The date the candidate accepted the contribution; and
- The contributor’s occupation and employer.
- Campaign Spending and Earnings Disclosure. In addition to disclosing campaign contributions, a candidate shall also disclose to the Cooperative membership, in the manner required by the Cooperative (Disclosure Report), information describing how the candidate spent or used the campaign contributions. A candidate’s spending disclosure shall include a general description of:
- The type of purchases made; such as brochures, signs, posters, salary for staff, radio advertisements, websites, etc.;
- Payments to a business in which the candidate or a relative of the candidate has a financial interest;
- Expenditures made to support other candidates and that candidate’s name;
- Assets and investments purchased;
- Interest earned and interest spent; and
- Accounts in which the campaign contributions are deposited.
- Personal Funds. A candidate who spends his or her personal funds on the candidate’s own campaign shall file the contributions and spending report required by this policy (Disclosure Report).
- Time of Disclosure Reporting.
- The Disclosure Report must be completed and received by the Cooperative before campaign spending becomes evident to the membership. The report will be posted with the candidate’s election profile along with the Acknowledgement Form on the Cooperative’s website.
- Limits on Board Member Conduct During Board Elections
A director, including an incumbent director standing for election, shall not:
- Pressure, threaten, or coerce an employee of the Cooperative to campaign, advocate or vote for or against any candidate seeking election to the Board of Directors;
- Ask an employee of the Cooperative to pressure, threaten, or coerce another employee to campaign, advocate or vote for or against any candidate seeking election to the Board of Directors;
- Pressure, threaten, or coerce a Cooperative member or group of members to campaign, advocate or vote for or against any candidate seeking election to the Board of Directors; or
- Obtain, attempt to obtain, or disclose information from or about the Cooperative for use by a candidate or a candidate’s campaign without following the procedures and policies for obtaining such information.
- Limits on Cooperative Employee Conduct During Board Election
- An employee of the Cooperative is prohibited from engaging in campaign activities or advocating for or against an issue or candidate standing for election to the Cooperative Board during the employee’s work hours or when the employee is on Cooperative property.
- While on duty, an employee of the Cooperative may only inform a member about procedural information concerning the election, such as how to obtain information about the election, candidates, issues, voting procedures, and the annual or other member meeting.
- An employee of the Cooperative may only provide a candidate, including an incumbent director, with procedural information about the Board election, and shall not provide a candidate with member lists, voting statistics, or other similar information, unless the candidate’s request complies with applicable Board policies or is approved by the Cooperative’s management.
- An employee of the Cooperative is prohibited from directly or indirectly serving as an advisor to a Board candidate’s campaign.
- Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit an employee from discussing his or her opinions about the election, candidates, issues, or the annual meeting when the employee is not working and not on Cooperative property.
- Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit an employee who is a member of the Cooperative from exercising his or her right to vote in a Board election.
- Failure to Comply with Policy
- A candidate, including an incumbent director standing for election, who fails to comply with this policy may be removed from the ballot before the election or required to resign from the Board after the election in accordance with procedures established by the Cooperative to investigate the violation and provide the candidate with an opportunity to respond.
- A director, including an incumbent director standing for election, who fails to comply with this policy, may be disciplined in accordance and compliance with the Board policies and procedures governing director standards of conduct.
- An employee of the Cooperative who fails to comply with this policy may be disciplined in accordance and compliance with the procedures in the Cooperative’s employee handbook.
- Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement
- This policy supplements and does not replace other policies adopted to govern the process and procedure for Board of Director elections.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for evaluating and adopting this policy, and administering and enforcing the provisions of this policy that apply to directors, including incumbent directors standing for election, and the CEO/General Manager.
- A committee of directors not standing for election is responsible for administering and enforcing the provisions of this policy that apply to candidates who are not incumbent directors, unless the Board of Directors delegates that responsibility to the CEO/General Manager.
- The CEO/General Manager of the Cooperative is responsible for administering and enforcing the provisions of this policy that apply to employees of the Cooperative.