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During their March meeting, following the 2023 director nominating meetings held in February, Medina Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors made the decision to move the director nomination process to petition only in 2024. This means that there will be no nominating meetings to nominate potential board candidates. Instead, members interested in running for a position on the board of directors will need to complete a petition and get at least 30 valid member signatures from members who have service in the voting district the potential nominee wishes to represent.

Medina EC is run by a nine-person board of directors elected by members who receive power from the cooperative. Each one of Medina EC’s three voting districts has a position open for election each year. Elections generally take place in September and the petition and paperwork are the first steps to being considered as a candidate for the election.  The board is responsible for setting operating policies for the cooperative and making decisions regarding the financial health and well-being of the organization.

For more information regarding the online petition process including deadlines, the link to the petitions and the required paperwork to be considered, visit Email or call 1-866-632-3532 ext. 1008 with any questions.