The following information shall be supplied by the Member or Member’s designated representative. All applicable items must be accurately completed in order that the Member’s generating facility may be effectively evaluated by MEC for interconnection with MEC’s electric distribution system.
Member Information
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Renewable Energy Dealer/Contractor Information
Renewable Energy Dealer/Contractor Information
Electrical Contractor Information
Electrical Contractor
Equipment Information
Type of Generation Facility
Include numbers for each unit on a new line.
Include output for each unit on a new line.
General System Description
Go to for help on preparing this section.
Mode of Operation
Check all that apply.
For DG systems with inverters, converters, or controllers, are these components utility interactive and in compliance with UL‐1741?
Does your DG system conform to the following standards for interconnection: IEEE 1547TM—Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems and IEEE 1547.1TM—Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems?
Is the equipment designed to automatically disconnect and isolate the generating installation from the Cooperative’s system in the event of an outage?
Do you intend to produce power in excess of your own needs?
AC Disconnect is Lockable and Labeled?
AC Disconnect is visible and accessible to Medina EC personnel?
Does your system include a DC battery backup?
Is this DC battery backup designed to automatically isolate from the Cooperative’s system in the event of an outage?
Rack, Modules and all associated equipment are grounded according to Manufacturer’s instructions?
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Information is true and accurate.
I herby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this Application is true and accurate. 
Must be signed by the member applying.