Consumer Analytics

New and improved features within SmartHub will allow you to access advanced consumer analytics.

What this means for you?
With this new feature, you will gain a deeper understanding of your energy usage, specifically pinpointing which appliances are driving up electric bills and by approximately how much. Armed with this personalized information, you will have increased opportunities to make informed decisions regarding your electricity usage, potentially leading to energy and cost savings on monthly bills.

How does it work?
When you log in to your SmartHub account (from the app or the web), you’ll notice a new dashboard display featuring an overview of your usage. You also have additional screens available under the Usage tab of your SmartHub menu to access additional consumer analytics.  

  • Energy Breakdown – On your home page
  • Energy Cost Analysis
  • Build Your Home Profile – It is recommended that you complete your home profile to ensure the most accurate data.
  • Energy Detail
  • Projected Bill
  • Top Tops for You

In addition to the dashboard details, which is available all the time, you’ll also receive an email with your monthly bill summary following your billing date.


If you have any questions about your consumer analytics, contact us

Consumer analytics is powered by Bidgely, a company that specializes in energy intelligence to use disaggregation of the meter data to identify the individual appliance types using energy in the home and how much it contributes to your total energy consumption.